Page 15 - DMEA Week 25 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       COMPANIES                           The most recent project will add a further   MP lauds governments
                                           600,000 bpd capacity to the existing 837,000
       Israel’s Oil Refineries             bpd. Ruwais is expected to be the world’s   efforts to revive TOR
                                           biggest refining and petrochemicals complex
       names Malachi Alper as              upon completion of the proposed expansion   The Member of Parliament for Dormaa East,
                                                                                Paul Apraku Twum Barimah has commended
                                           in 2025.
       CEO                                 secured working in close partnership with   the President, Nana Akufo-Addo and the
                                             The US$1mn order for Amarinth was
                                                                                Minister of Energy, Mathew Opoku Prempeh
       Israel’s Oil Refineries, Israel’s largest refining   the UAE-based agent NAMA Development   for taking the initiative and the bold step to
       and petrochemicals group, said on Tuesday   Enterprises. Integrated Specialised General   revive The Tema Oil Refinery.
       that Malachi Alper has been named as its   Contracting Company (ISCCO) approached   Paul Twum Barimah Believes that TOR is a
       chief executive as of Aug. 1 to replace Moshe   NAMA for its reputation of delivering   strategic facility in the oil sector and therefore
       Kaplinsky.                          into major projects and high in-country   reviving it will boost the downstream
         Kaplinsky will become chairman to replace   value (ICV), a procurement-led initiative   petroleum sector in Ghana. According to Mr
       Ovadia Eli who is retiring.         introduced by ADNOC for its suppliers   Twum Barimah government has taken the
         ORL is based in the port city of Haifa.   focusing on local supplier selection and   responsibility to pay the legacy debt of TOR
       Alper had previously served as chief executive   development.            and changed the entire management of TOR;
       of the Paz Refinery (PZOL.TA) in the   The 14 API 610 11th edition VS4 vertical   a move which saw the MD and his deputy
       southern city of Ashdod between 2008 and   pumps with Plan 53B seal support systems   being relieved of their posts.
       2020.                               and top-up trollies will be installed at the   Speaking in an interview with the Media,
         Kaplinsky took over as CEO in June 2020,   Ruwais East Refinery for closed drain duties,   he said the move by the president of Ghana
       while Eli was chairman since January 2015.  condensate and oil transfer. Depending on   and the Minister of Energy will help bring
       REUTERS                             their duty, the pumps will be manufactured in   sanity and calm at TOR and lead to the
                                           either stainless steel or carbon steel, and all are   transformation needed to promote efficient
                                           ATEX Zone 2 compliant.               production.
       REFINING                              The pumps were required on an aggressive   According to Paul Twum Barimah, the
                                           deadline of 36-weeks, however Amarinth and   energy minister is a man of action who has
       Amarinth wins order for             NAMA went one-step further and working   the political will to revive the operations of
                                           closely with ISCCO and ADNOC agreed a
                                                                                TOR with the support of President Akufo
       vertical pumps for Ruwais           split schedule so that seven of the pumps will   Addo and urged the good people of Ghana to
                                                                                support them.
                                           be delivered ahead of schedule. Amarinth
       refinery                            will also provide on-site support during   Prempeh, has sworn a 3-member Interim
                                                                                  The Energy Minister Dr. Matthew Opoku
                                           installation of the pumps from its Engineering
       Amarinth, global manufacturer of low   Commissioning team.               Management Committee (IMC) into office to
       lifecycle cost centrifugal pumps and associated   Oliver Brigginshaw, managing director   oversee the affairs of the Tema Oil Refinery as
       equipment for offshore and onshore oil   of Amarinth, commented, “We will leverage   part of efforts to restructure and revamp the
       and gas industries, nuclear and renewable   our strengths in providing bespoke pumps   refinery.
       energy generation, desalination, process and   on short lead times and our ability to work   The Chairman of the 3-member IMC is
       industrial markets, has secured an order with   with customers in a flexible way to meet the   Mr. Nobert Cormla-Djamposu Anku. The
       its agent NAMA for 14 API 610 VS4 vertical   demands of this project which once again   other members are Mr. William Ntim Boadu
       pumps from ISCCO for the ADNOC Ruwais   underlines our support of the oil and gas   and Mr. Okyere Baffuor Sarpong.
       Refinery East, UAE                  industry in the UAE.”                  The committee’s terms of reference include
         The Ruwais refinery in the UAE is owned   ORME                         ensuring the smooth transfer from the
       by ADNOC and has undergone significant                                   outgone directors, undertake technical and
       expansion since being commissioned in 1981.                              human resource audits as well as receive and

       Week 25   24•June•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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