Page 5 - DMEA Week 08 2021
P. 5

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                                                                                                  Port Harcourt refinery

                         Suspended operations                 performance recorded is attributed to the
                         The launch of bidding for work on downstream  ongoing revamping of the refineries, which is
                         infrastructure followed the revelation in April by  expected to further enhance capacity utilisation
                         the head of NNPC, Mele Kyari, that the company  when completed,” NNPC said. The utilisation
                         had suspended operations all four refineries so  rate has since dropped to zero, with the four
                         that it could seek funding for the refurbishment  units not having operated since early 2019.
                         of the associated refineries. Mele Kyari added   NNPC is understood to still be considering
                         that it would not continue to act as operator of  offloading the majority of its stakes in the refin-
                         the facilities once they resume operations.  eries, while looking at operational models to
                           The NNPC’s four facilities have a combined  increase efficiency as well as “more scrutiny of
                         nameplate capacity of 445,000 bpd, with the  shareholders”.
                         Kaduna and Warri facilities having a theoretical   Despite the positive news of the loan deal,
                         throughput capacity of 110,000 bpd and 125,000  Abuja will continue to rely on fuel imports in
                         bpd respectively.                    the short term, with the start-up of the 650,000
                           After years of under-investment, the age-  bpd Dangote refinery at Lekki near Lagos having
                         ing facilities have recently typically run at less  been pushed back to early 2022.
                         than 10% of capacity, and a general update on   Meanwhile, a ray of light continues to shine
                         operations by NNPC in January 2019 disclosed  from the rise of modular refining. While the
                         that full turnaround maintenance (TAM) at the  scale is not yet comparable with the potential
                         plants had not been carried out for 42 years.  impact of the Dangote refinery, modular facil-
                           Four months later, the company released  ities located near oilfields provide improved
                         data showing that the refineries were operating  fuel distribution in remote areas while reducing
                         at just 5.55% of their capacity, with that figure  reliance on infrastructure that is susceptible to
                         being a six-month high. “The lower operational  vandalism.™

       Kaduna refinery

       Week 08   25•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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