Page 4 - EurOil Week 37 2022
P. 4

      EurOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

       Truss vows to maximise the

       UK’s oil and gas potential

       Truss is largely following the same policy of her predecessor, but she has
       gone further in announcing an end to the ban on shale gas extraction

        UK               THE UK’s new prime minister, Liz Truss, has   “Millions of families and businesses across
                         sought to differentiate her energy policy from  the country can now breathe a massive sigh of
       WHAT:             that of her predecessor Boris Johnson, vowing  relief, safe in the knowledge that the govern-
       UK Prime Minister Liz   that her government will learn from “the mis-  ment is standing behind them this winter and
       Truss’ government has   takes of the past.”            the next,” new Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng said
       announced a new energy   Truss formally became the UK’s leader on  in a statement. “The price of inaction would have
       policy.           September 6, after comfortably winning a two-  been far greater than the cost of this interven-
                         month leadership contest, besting former chan-  tion. Not only can we provide urgent support
       WHY:              cellor Rishi Sunak. A hot topic in the race was  now, but the beauty of our scheme is that it will
       The policy largely mirrors   soaring energy bills for households, with both  also bring down inflation, helping tackle wider
       that of her predecessor,   leading candidates facing calls to freeze the  cost of living pressures.”
       but goes further on   cap on energy costs – something that Johnson’s   The fresh support adds to the GBP400 energy
       shale gas extraction and   administration had resisted. Both Truss and  bill discounts already provided to all households
       freezing energy bills.  Sunak had rejected freezing the energy price cap  already. The government has said it will boost
                         during voting.                       economic growth, curb inflation by four to give
       WHAT NEXT:                                             points and boost efforts to service the national
       Local and         Energy bill freeze                   debt.
       environmentalist   Now in power, however, Truss’ government
       pposition to upstream   announced on September 8 that house-  The roots of the problem
       projects -- both   holds would pay no more than an average of  Truss’s government also pledged to tackle the
       conventional and   GBP2,500 ($2,926) annually for their energy  root causes of the current energy crisis. While
       unconventional -- could   until 2024, down from a cap of GBP3,549 per  this crisis is global in scope, and has been exac-
       remain an obstacle.  year that was set to be introduced next month.  erbated by Russian cuts to gas supply to Europe,
                         Similar support will be provided to businesses  the government said that the situation had ex-
                         and public sector organisations over the winter,  posed vulnerabilities in the UK energy system.
                         the government said. It will be partially imple-  “Decades of short-term thinking on energy
                         mented by removing green levies on bills, cur-  have failed to focus enough on securing supply –
                         rently at GBP150 annually.           with Russia’s war in Ukraine exposing the flaws

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   15•September•2022
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