Page 9 - EurOil Week 37 2022
P. 9

       EurOil                                       COMMENTARY                                               EurOil
                         overwhelming majority of its supplies are sent to  comply with a Kremlin decree requiring them
                         Europe via pipeline and cannot be redirected to  to pay for gas in rubles.  And while Western
                         other markets save for the UK, which is not party  sanctions have complicated the repair and
                         to the gas price cap talks.          maintenance of equipment at the Nord Stream
                           Some countries heavily reliant on Russian  1 pipeline’s compressor station, reducing its flow
                         supply including Hungary, Slovakia and Aus-  capacity, Moscow has said it will not reopen it
                         tria have warned that Russia could respond to a  until sanctions are dropped, while state-owned
                         price cap by simply cutting off gas supply. Rus-  Gazprom has chosen not to divert supplies to
                         sian President Vladimir Putin has indicated  other supply routes such as Ukraine. Having
                         that Moscow would do just that, and also cease  imposed its own sanctions on the operator of
                         deliveries of oil, coal and heating oil to boot.   the Yamal-Europe pipeline that runs through
                           Only the Baltic States, which have been  Belarus and Poland to Germany, Russia has
                         calling for harsher sanctions against Rus-  effectively rendered that route unusable.
                         sia in recent months, fully backed the   However, despite these cuts, the EU still
                         proposal.                            managed to reach its target of filling gas storage
                           Russian gas supply to Europe slumped to  facilities to 80% of capacity in late August – over
                         a new low of 3.4bn cubic metres in August,  two months ahead of schedule. And these stor-
                         down 7% month on month, and a further  age facilities continue to be filled further, reach-
                         decline is anticipated in September in light of  ing close to 84% of capacity as of September 10,
                         Nord Stream 1’s indefinite closure. Gazprom  according to data published by Gas Infrastruc-
                         reported last week that its supply to the EU has  ture Europe. Whether this will be enough to see
                         fallen by nearly half since the start of the year.  the EU through winter in the event of a complete
                           These reductions in supply have largely been  shutdown in Russian supply will depend on
                         political in nature. Gazprom has cut off deliver-  temperatures and the effectiveness of the bloc’s
                         ies to several EU member states for refusing to  efforts to curb consumption. ™

                                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT

       Gazprom reports 39% slide in European gas

       exports in Jan 1-Sept 15 period

        EUROPE           GAZPROM’S exports to Europe and Turkey  year, Gazprom has nevertheless seen its revenues
                         were down 38.8% year on year between January  soar on the back of soaring wholesale prices.
       The decline has   1 and September 15, the company reported on its  The company is currently delivering 84 mcm
       accelerated since   Telegram channel, with the accelerated decline  per day of gas to Europe via Ukraine and Tur-
       Gazprom indefinitely   reflecting Gazprom’s closure of the Nord Stream  key, compared with an average last year of 480
       closed the Nord Stream   1 pipeline at the end of last month.  mcm per year. In addition to Nord Stream 1, the
       1 pipeline.         Exports amounted to 84.8 bcm in the nine  Yamal-Europe pipeline no longer flows gas west-
                         and a half months, down 53.7 bcm from the  wards, as Gazprom has imposed sanctions on its
                         same period last year. Sales to the domestic mar-  operator. Even so, at present prices, Gazprom has
                         ket were down 3.3%, while production dropped  earned some $100bn this year on these exports,
                         15.9% to 300.8 bcm.                  up from $53bn last year.
                           Gazprom said that Europe lacked enough gas   In line with statements in past updates this
                         in storage to guarantee reliable supplies this win-  year, Gazprom noted that gas supplies to China
                         ter, even though storage facilities have already  via the 38 bcm per year Power of Siberia pipeline
                         been filled to 85% of capacity, equivalent to 85  continued to grow. It noted that daily volumes
                         bcm of gas.                          were being supplied beyond the contractual vol-
                           Despite delivering far less gas to Europe this  ume. ™

       Week 37   15•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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