Page 11 - EurOil Week 37 2022
P. 11

EurOil                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

                         there was a major breakdown in Serbia’s two  an official visit to Baku to meet with President
                         biggest coal plants that caused widespread out-  Aliyev and other senior officials earlier this year.
                         ages, prompting EPS to start importing unprec-  Azerbaijan’s partnership with Bulgaria in the
                         edented quantities of electricity via transmission  energy field seems to be more profitable, as the
                         system operator Elektromreza Srbije (EMS). The  two states have agreed to swap gas for electric-
                         share of power from abroad in domestic con-  ity. Bulgaria is a major electricity producer and
                         sumption reached as much as 45%.     is ready to supply Azerbaijan. Unlike Bulgaria,
                                                              Azerbaijan produces electricity by using natural
                         Bulgaria taps new energy sources     gas, which affects the volume of exported natu-
                         Obviously, Serbia is not the only regional state  ral gas. However, with Bulgaria’s swap deal, Baku
                         concerned with its energy security in light of  would be able to save more gas for export and
                         the changing security architecture of Europe.  re-route it to Bulgaria. Indeed, the volume of
                         Bulgaria, which had its supplies from Russia  natural gas exported to Bulgaria will increase to
                         cut off in April, is another country that has close  1bn cubic metres when the IGB becomes fully
                         contact with Azerbaijan in order to ensure the  operational this year.
                         additional flow of natural gas. Earlier this year,   In light of deteriorating relations between the
                         Bulgarian and Azerbaijani senior officials held  West and Russia and the rising diplomatic stand-
                         several meetings to discuss the possibilities of  off, the global energy crisis will hit major Euro-
                         gas exports. The extra gas export to Bulgaria is  pean countries badly and cause a more profound
                         expected to be delivered through the 182 km Gas  crisis. Therefore, the importance of alternative
                         Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB), which is  suppliers like Azerbaijan will rise immensely.
                         still under construction and could become oper-  The Caspian country can deliver additional nat-
                         ational in early October 2022.       ural gas to Southern Europe and Balkan coun-
                           However, according to Azerbaijani Energy  tries such as Serbia and Bulgaria, which may find
                         Minister Parviz Shahbazov, “Azerbaijan has sup-  themselves in big trouble soon.
                         plied 555 million cubic metres of natural gas to   Fuad Shahbazov is an independent policy
                         Bulgaria since last year. Since July this year, daily  analyst focusing on regional security issues in
                         gas transportation to Bulgaria has increased to  the South Caucasus and a Chevening FCDO
                         2.6 million cubic meters.” In order to cement  scholar at the University of Durham School of
                         the ongoing negotiations with Azerbaijan, Bul-  Government and International Affairs (SGIA) .
                         garia’s former prime minister Kiril Petkov paid  He tweets at @fuadshahbazov. ™


       Goldman Sachs predicts winter slump

       in European gas prices

        EUROPE           US investment bank Goldman Sachs has pre-  as needed.”
                         dicted that European natural gas prices could   The bank predicts that storage facilities
       The consensus so far   more than halve by the end of winter, contrary  should reach 90% of capacity by the end of Octo-
       has said otherwise.  to most forecasts so far that have predicted prices  ber, and remain at over 20% of capacity even at
                         to remain elevated as they are now.  the end of March next year.
                           Europe has “solved” its natural gas crisis for   “This, in our view, will set the stage for the
                         this year, the bank’s analysts said in a report pub-  sense of urgency to destroy demand we see cur-
                         lished on September 13, drawing attention to the  rently to be gradually replaced by a sense of mar-
                         increase in storage volumes, now close to 85% of  ket relief for having made it through winter,” the
                         capacity, increased LNG supplies and demand  bank said.
                         destruction. These factors have more than made   As a result, Goldman Sachs projects that gas
                         up for the steep decline in Russian volumes so  prices at European hubs could slide to as low
                         far, and the risk that Moscow could cut off gas  as under €100/MWh ($1,065/1,000 m3) by the
                         completely this winter.              end of March, compared with more than €200/
                           “The indefinite reduction in Nord Stream 1  MWh right now, assuming that there are typ-
                         exports to zero leaves north-west Europe with-  ical winter temperatures. Previously the bank
                         out any Russian gas going forward,” Goldman  had forecast a price of €213/MWh for the end
                         Sachs analysts said. “And while we often hear  of winter.
                         the question of what this will do to storage, we   The consensus among analysts remains that
                         believe a better approach is to ask what this will  gas prices in Europe will remain elevated as they
                         do to prices, so that storage continues to build  are now throughout winter. ™

       Week 37   15•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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