Page 15 - EurOil Week 37 2022
P. 15

EurOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       Bulgargaz to book additional        is obliged to sell the produced gas to HEP for   would fund further seismic testing and a new
                                                                                  UKOG said in a statement that the money
                                           €41 per MWh.
       500 mcm per year capacity at        government’s decision, although it had not   appraisal well in the Resan licence in Turkey.
                                              Filipovic said that MOL cannot block the
                                                                                Oil production from the well was expected in
       Alexandroupolis LNG terminal        been previously agreed with the Hungarian   1H23, it added.
                                                                                  UKOG has run a series of placings to raise
                                           company. However, the economy minister
       Bulgaria’s state-owned natural gas supplier   said the decision was taken according to   money for operations in Turkey. It raised GBP
       Bulgargaz will apply to reserve additional   Croatian laws.              1.5m in July and GBP 5m in July 2021.
       storage capacity of 500mn cubic metres   Sandor Fasimon, Ina’s board chairman,   The company said: “The placing has been
       (mcm) of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the   said that the company is already selling all its   undertaken to provide the Company with a
       floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal   gas to local companies. However, Filipovic   source of general working capital and to help
       in Greece’s Alexandroupolis, the caretaker   said this was true technically as many   deliver the Company’s previously stated near
       government in Sofia decided on September   international companies set up local units to   term goals of completing the Phase 2 Turkey
       14.                                 buy the gas but then it is being exported.  seismic programme and the subsequent
         The Alexandroupolis terminal, which has a                              drilling of a new appraisal well in the Basur
       total send-out capacity of 5.5bn cubic metres                            oil discovery, anticipated to be able to add
       (bcm) of natural gas, will be connected to   Rising shale oil demand creates   near-term oil production to the Company in
       Greece’s National Natural Gas Transmission                               H1 2023.”
       System (NNGΤS) with a 28-kilometre long   500 new jobs in eastern Estonia  The shares were issued at GBP 0.0875.
       pipeline. The regasified LNG will flow to the                            That marked a 20% discount on the previous
       markets of Greece, Bulgaria and the Southeast   An additional 500 people have been recruited   closing price of UKOG..
       Europe (SEE) region with the supplies   by Estonian companies in Ida-Viru County
       expected from the US, Algeria and Qatar.  reacting to the increased demand for shale oil
         The application for the additional LNG,   this winter,, an Estonian news website,   Hungary calls EC proposal for
       which is equal to 5.3mn MWh per year,   reported on September 13.
       will be submitted to the terminal’s operator   Workers have been sought in the mines,   Russian gas price cap absurd
       Gastrade for 10 years starting on the date of   oil industries and maintenance companies
       commissioning of the facility. The terminal   by Eesti Energia’s subsidiaries, Enefit Power   Hungary’s radical rightwing government
       should become operational by the end of   and Enefit Solutions, TV show Terevisioon   has criticised EU proposals for imposing a
       2023.                               reported on September 12.            price cap on Russian gas imports and has
         After receiving the requested capacity,   Andres Vainola, chairman of the board of   threatened to block any proposal it does not
       Bulgargaz intends to launch a tender for LNG   Enefit Power, which brings together Narva   agree with.
       supply within the total reserved capacity of   Quarry, the Estonia Mine (the largest oil shale   A meeting of EU energy ministers agreed
       the terminal for 2024-2034. The price terms   mine in the world) and the electricity and oil   on Friday to impose a price cap on all gas
       for this supply would align with the reference   industry, said the companies are expecting   imports – not just Russia’s – a measure
       prices on liquid gas hubs worldwide.  to employ 100 more people in the coming   that can be passed by qualified majority,
         Bulgarian gas transmission system   months.                            overriding any Hungarian veto. They also
       operator Bulgartransgaz owns 20% stake in   “If you look at the dynamics of the year   agreed to pass a levy on power producers.
       the Alexandroupolis terminal in exchange for   — the beginning of the year and the end of   However, the details of the plans have yet
       a 20% of the cost of its construction.  the year — we will hire about 600 additional   to be worked out. EU energy ministers
                                           people over the year,” said Vainola.  discussed ways to curb energy prices, which
                                              A total of 2,800 people work at Enefit   have surged as Russia has halted delivery
       Croatia orders Ina to sell all gas   Power and Enefit Solutions.         through the North Stream 1 pipeline. The
                                                                                European Commisison had proposed to put
                                              Ida-Viru County is Estonia’s most
       produced to HEP                     eastern county and has the country’s highest   a price cap just on Russian gas delivered
                                                                                to Europe, an idea that Foreign Minister
                                           unemployment rate.
       Croatian oil and gas company Ina will have to   The demand for shale oil has risen due to   Peter Szijjarto called absurd, and against
       sell all the natural gas extracted in the country   rising electricity and gas prices and several   European and Hungarian interests.
       to the national electricity provider HEP and   local councils have applied to use the resource   Hungary will not accept a “political”
       is also obliged to increase its production of   this winter to lower district heating costs,   measure that would leave its citizens
       natural gas by 10%, Economy Minister Davor said.                lacking heat, gas to cook with or warm
       Filipovic said on September 14.                                          water, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto,
         Ina is partially state-owned with the state                            who led the delegation, told Hungary’s
       holding 45% of the company, while Hungary’s   UKOG raises further GBP 3m   state news agency after the meeting.
       MOL holds a 49% stake.                                                   Nine member states were opposed to or
         “All gas produced in Croatia will remain   for Turkey operations from   expressed reservations concerning the
       in Croatia,” Filipovic said following a                                  gas price, he added. There is a “prevailing
       government session as quoted in a statement.  new share placing          view” that a price cap is needed, but the
         HEP will sell the produced natural gas                                 European Commission and EU countries
       to households, hospitals, kindergartens and   AIM-listed UK Oil & Gas (UKOG)   need more time to fine-tune how it should
       other institutions.                 announced on September 12 that it has raised   be implemented, said Czech Industry
         This measure is temporary and will be in   GBP 3m ($3.5mn) to spend in Turkey from a   and Trade Minister Jozef Sikela, who was
       force between October and end-March. Ina   placing of more than 3bn new shares.  chairing the Brussels meeting.

       Week 37   15•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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