Page 14 - EurOil Week 37 2022
P. 14

EurOil                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            EurOil

       Shell CEO van Beurden to step down

        NETHERLANDS      SHELL CEO Ben van Beurden will step down  company’s director for integrated gas, renew-
                         from his post at the end of 2022 after a nine-year  ables and energy solutions, and previously he
       Van Beurden oversaw   stint, with a company veteran due to take his  headed its upstream business.
       the company through   place.                             Mackenzie said Sawan had shown himself
       its transformational   Van Beurden oversaw the company through  to be “an exceptional leader, with all the quali-
       acquisition of BG Group   its transformational acquisition of BG Group in  ties needed to drive Shell safely and profitable
       in 2016.          2016, greatly expanding its LNG business, and the  through its next phase of transition and growth.”
                         subsequent sale of some $30bn of non-core assets.   “His track record of commercial, operational
                         He also led the company through its embrace of  and transformational success reflects not only
                         emissions reduction targets from 2017.  his broad, deep experience and understanding of
                           “Ben can look back with great pride on an  Shell and the energy sector, but also his strategic
                         extraordinary 39-year Shell career, culminating  clarity,” the chair said.
                         in nine years as an exceptional CEO,” company   Shell has steadily raised its climate ambitions
                         chair Andrew Mackenzie commented. “During  over the years, in part due to mounting oppo-
                         the last decade, he has been a vanguard for the  sition from environmentals, particularly in the
                         transition of Shell to a net-zero emissions energy  Netherlands. Under its current strategy, Shell
                         business by 2050 and has become a leading  is targeting a 50% reduction in Scope 1 and 2
                         industry voice on some of the most important  emissions, and a 20% cut in Scope 3 emissions,
                         issues affecting society.”           by 2030.
                           The chair added that van Beurden was leaving   The Anglo-Dutch oil major, traditionally seen
                         behind “a financially strong and profitable com-  more as a Netherlands-based than UK-based
                         pany with a robust balance sheet, very strong  company, announced last year it would relocate
                         cash generation capability and a compelling set  its head offices to London, as well as its tax resi-
                         of options for growth.”              dency. The latter decision will mean it can avoid
                           The departing CEO will stay on as an advi-  a 15% dividend tax.
                         sor on the company’s board until the end of June   Shell has denied that the relocation has any-
                         next year, after which he will leave Shell for good.  thing to do with a Dutch court order last year,
                           His replacement is Wael Sawan, a 48-year-  which ordered the company to do more to
                         old Canadian-Lebanese national with a 25-year  address its emissions, especially its Scope 3 ones.
                         career in the company. At present he is the  The company has appealed the decision. ™

       Uniper to sue Gazprom over lost gas

        GERMANY          GERMAN energy utility Uniper is considering  earlier this year it was considering legal steps
                         claiming billions of euros in damages from Rus-  against Gazprom that might include arbitration
       Gazprom began     sia’s Gazprom for cutting its gas supply, Reuters  proceedings.
       curtailing gas supply to   reported on September 13.     In past high-profile gas supply disputes, it
       Uniper and the rest of   Across Europe, energy companies have been  has taken the Stockholm court years to reach a
       Germany in July.  left reeling from soaring purchase costs for elec-  verdict.
                         tricity and power, but Uniper was among those   Gazprom declared a force majeure on gas
                         hardest hit as Gazprom also reduced supplies to  supplies to Uniper after cutting gas flow via
                         the firm after curtailing flow via the Nord Stream  Nord Stream 1. The pipeline is no longer flowing
                         1 pipeline in July. As a result, it had to purchase  any gas, with Gazprom citing technical failures
                         costly replacement supplies on the spot market.  resulting from difficulties with repairing and
                           Uniper booked a $12.3bn net loss in the first  maintaining equipment caused by Western sanc-
                         half of this year, and amid its mounting debt, the  tions. But European governments, including
                         German government stepped in to rescue the  Germany’s, have dismissed the pipeline’s closure
                         company in July for $15bn, marking the biggest  as politically-motivated.
                         bailout in the country’s corporate history.  Finland’s Gasum had its Russian gas supply
                           Uniper is considering suing Gazprom for  cut off in May, after refusing to comply with a
                         justified gas supply cuts at the Stockholm arbi-  Kremlin decree requiring European buyers
                         tration court, which has decided on a num-  to make payments for deliveries in rubles at
                         ber of other disputes concerning Gazprom’s  accounts at Gazprombank – a move aimed at
                         gas supply contracts over the years, including  preventing those funds from being targeted by
                         with Poland’s PGNiG and Ukraine’s Naftogaz,  sanctions. Gasum too has taken the matter to
                         Reuters reported, citing sources. Uniper said  court. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   15•September•2022
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