Page 12 - EurOil Week 37 2022
P. 12

EurOil                                       PERFORMANCE                                               EurOil

       IEA forecasts 17% slump in Russian

       oil output by February next year

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA oil production is poised to drop by 17%   A significant uncertainty is how effective
                         by February next year compared with the pre-  the oil price cap proposed by G7 members will
       Russian oil output is   war output, the International Energy Agency  have on Russian exports. The cap will work by
       set to slump with the   (IEA) reported in its monthly oil report this  preventing the insurance of oil tankers carrying
       introduction of the EU’s   week, as a result of the EU imposing its embargo  shipments to buyers that are not complying. But
       embargo.          on some of the country’s exports.    its success will depend on whether major Rus-
                           The EU finalised plans earlier this year to  sian oil buyers in Asia, such as China and India,
                         impose a ban on seaborne crude oil shipments  will sign up to the scheme. The IEA said some
                         from Russia this December, either on the spot  third countries were unlikely to agree on the cap,
                         market or under existing contracts, and the  presenting an opportunity for Russian oil to be
                         embargo will be extended to oil products two  rerouted.
                         months later. Pipeline imports from Russia will   The IEA meanwhile lowered its forecast
                         still be permitted, representing a compromise to  for global oil demand this year by 110,000
                         Hungary and other countries in Central Europe  bpd.
                         that rely heavily on oil deliveries via Russia’s Dru-  “Growth in global oil demand continues
                         zhba pipeline system.                to decelerate,” the Paris-based agency said, as
                           The fall in Russian production of 1.9mn bar-  a result of a slowdown in developed econo-
                         rels per day predicted by the IEA by next Febru-  mies and the ongoing impact of coronavirus
                         ary is lower than the 3mn bpd drop it forecast in  (COVID-19) lockdowns in China. On the other
                         March, it still highlights the significant impact  hand, “large-scale” gas to oil switching for power
                         that the EU ban could have, even as Russian  generation as a result of soaring global gas prices
                         exporters scramble to divert supplies to other  has meant the slowdown in oil growth is only
                         markets, namely in Asia.             marginal.
                           Russian output is set to drop from 11mn bpd   As it stands, the IEA predicts that global
                         of crude oil and petroleum products last month –  growth in demand will amount to 2mn bpd in
                         hardly down from the pre-war level – to 10.2mn  2022, reaching a total of 99.7mn bpd this year,
                         bpd by December and 9.5mn bpd by 2023. The  and climb a further 2.1mn next year, finally
                         IEA had said last month that sanctions were only  exceeding the pre-pandemic level of 101.8mn
                         having a limited impact on Russian hydrocarbon  bpd. OPEC is more bullish on the outlook, fore-
                         exports, but the latest forecast suggests the effect  casting a rise in demand of 3.1mn bpd in 2022
                         will be more meaningful within a year.  and 2.7mn bpd in 2023.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   15•September•2022
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