Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 11 2023
P. 13

LatAmOil                                      ARGENTINA                                            LatAmOil

                         He also stated that drilling rigs might have to   If this project is given a green light, he said,
                         be imported for the upstream portion of the   construction will be expected to start in late
                         scheme, since Argentina lacked the specialised   2023 or early 2024.
                         equipment needed to optimise development   Since Argentina is sitting on one of the
                         operations.                          world’s largest shale gas reserves, potential
                         Additionally, he mentioned other infrastruc-  investors are waiting for the country’s govern-
                         ture facilities, saying that a new oil terminal   ment to pass legislation designed to promote
                         and a two-phase gas pipeline from the Vaca   LNG and hydrogen production, the YPF head
                         Muerta region to Northern Argentina would be   continued. “We see that law as a very good first
                         required to boost Argentina’s oil and gas output   step [to create] conditions in the future for other
                         and exports.                         businesses,” he stated. This law is an “absolutely
                           Moreover, he said, YPF is slated to take an   necessary” step toward boosting investment, he
                         FID on a midstream project that will connect   added.
                         an oil pipeline originating in the Vaca Muerta   Buenos Aires is expected to submit draft leg-
                         region to a terminal and a monobuoy that can   islation to the National Congress sometime later
                         load supertankers for exports.       this month, Reuters noted. ™

       CAF loan funds to cover $540mn of

       new gas pipeline’s cost in Argentina

                         ARGENTINA’S government said last week that   eventually an exporter to the world market. Cur-
                         it had secured an $840mn loan from the Devel-  rently, the country imports gas from Bolivia to
                         opment Bank of Latin America (CAF) for the   meet its own needs.
                         funding of multiple projects, including the con-  According to previous reports, the new
                         struction of the President Néstor Kirchner Gas   pipeline will carry a price tag of $1.5bn. It will
                         Pipeline (PNKG).                     follow a route from Tratayen, a site in Neuquen
                           The credit deal was reportedly sealed during   Province, to Salliquelo, a town in Buenos Aires
                         a meeting between Argentina’s Economy Min-  province, and will have a throughput capacity of
                         ister Sergio Massa and CAF’s board of directors   24mn cubic metres per day.
                         in Santiago, Chile.                    The Vaca Muerta shale formation is believed
                           More than half of the loan, or $540mn, will   to hold 300 trillion cubic feet (8.5 trillion cubic
                         be allocated to the pipeline, which will be used   metres) of shale gas. Meanwhile, Argentina’s
                         to transport gas from the Vaca Muerta shale   domestic consumption was estimated last year
                         basin to more heavily populated parts of the   to amount to just 1.5-1.6 tcf (42.48-45.31bn
                         country. According to the Argentinian author-  cubic metres) per year. ™
                         ities, PNKG, also known as the Northern Gas
                         Pipeline, will serve as a crucial source of gas sup-
                         plies for residential and industrial consumers in
                         Buenos Aires and other major cities in northern
                           Meanwhile, the remaining $300mn of
                         the loan will be used to cover the cost of pro-
                         grammes that assist disabled people. The funds
                         are due to be disbursed immediately, according
                         to press reports.
                           In a statement issued after the conclusion of
                         negotiations on loan deal, Massa said that the
                         pipeline project was in line with the govern-
                         ment’s efforts to prepare for the switch to renew-
                         able energy and to take advantage of the world’s
                         second largest unconventional hydrocarbon
                           He also stated that Argentina hoped that its
                         shale gas could benefit neighbouring states such
                         as Chile, Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay as well as
                         domestic consumers.
                           The PNKG project is designed to help make
                         Argentina self-sufficient in gas supplies and   The pipeline will have a capacity of 24 mcm per day of gas (Image: Telam)

       Week 11   15•March•2023                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P13
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