Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 11 2023
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The primary objectives of Neon-2 were to  Neon field (assessed in May 2018) are 30mn bar-  of the world, and was accomplished using a high-
       determine the quality and continuity of the  rels, 55mn barrels and 92mn barrels for 1C, 2C  speed datalink provided by Petrobras. For future
       Palaeocene units and to determine Palaeocene  and 3C Contingent Resources, respectively(1)  projects, remote ROV piloting may help Petro-
       pressure connectivity with the Echidna-1 and  (Karoon – 100%). Together with development  bras limit the number of crew deployed to the
       Neon-1 wells. Preliminary analysis of the log-  engineering studies, the updated resource esti-  field, resulting in safer operations with a reduced
       ging-while-drilling and wireline log data avail-  mate will contribute to an evaluation of technical  carbon footprint.
       able at Neon-2 has confirmed that, as at Neon-1,  and commercial feasibility, which could poten-  Fugro, 13 March 2023
       the Palaeocene sandstone primary target zones  tially enable a decision to enter a Neon concept
       are present and oil-bearing at this location.  select phase.             Petrobras, Shell sign MoU
         The Palaeocene intervals were found to be   Neon-1 and Neon-2 are located within
       present over a gross 244 metres MD interval  Karoon’s 100% owned S-M-1037 license,   on cooperation in upstream,
       (172 metres true vertical thickness). The net pay  approximately 210 km offshore Brazil in the
       thickness in this section is estimated to be 148  southern Santos basin. Neon-1 is in 343 metres   decarbonisation, social and
       metres MD (105 metres true vertical thickness).  water depth and is 2.1 km south of the Echidna-1
       Importantly, preliminary wireline log analysis  discovery well, while Neon-2 is located 1.3 km   environmental initiatives
       indicates that the average reservoir quality in  NNE of Echidna-1, in 305 metres water depth.
       this net pay section is similar to, or better than,   Karoon Energy, 14 March 2023  The companies aim to develop new opportu-
       that encountered at Echidna-1 and Neon-1. This                           nities for cooperation, both in terms of the oil
       analysis is subject to further studies and calibra-  Fugro and Petrobras pioneer   and gas industry and on the subject of energy
       tion with physical samples.                                              transition
         Preliminary analysis of pressure tests through   remote subsea inspection   Jean Paul Prates, the CEO of Petrobras and
       the Palaeocene section suggests that the Neon-2                          Wael Sawan, the CEO of Shell, have signed
       oil zones lie on similar pressure gradients to the   survey in Brazil    a Memorandum of Understanding, during
       oil at Echidna-1 and Neon-1. Further work is                             CERAWeek in Houston in order to encourage
       required to determine the degree of commu-  Fugro and Petrobras have achieved a major  discussion and collaboration between the com-
       nication between zones, given that Neon-2  milestone in Brazil’s offshore energy sector by  panies. Both CEOs agreed the companies will
       intersected the reservoir on the western side of  successfully completing the country’s first-ever  work together on identifying potential upstream
       a prominent fault.                  remote subsea inspection survey. This technol-  opportunities, sharing experience and best prac-
         Neon-2 also tested deeper Maastrichtian tar-  ogy trial was carried out by Fugro in collabora-  tices on reducing carbon emissions, social and
       gets which, in line with results from Echidna-1  tion with Petrobras under an existing multiyear  environmental initiatives. The agreement will
       and Neon-1, were found to be poorly developed  contract with the aim of minimising risk and  last five years.
       with no net pay currently identified.  improving sustainability during inspection,   This non-binding agreement focuses on
         The forward plan is to complete the wireline  repair and maintenance (IRM) projects.  potential exploration opportunities in and
       logging programme, then plug and abandon   Fugro utilised a remotely operated vehicle  beyond the pre-salt, including the Equatorial
       Neon-2. Karoon will then release the Noble  (ROV) deployed from the Fugro Aquarius to  Margin. It also contemplates energy transi-
       Developer rig.                      conduct the survey. Office-based personnel  tion efforts, with an emphasis on renewables
         Over the next few months, data from both  piloted the ROV from an operations centre in  and Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage
       Neon-1 and Neon-2 will be fully analysed, lead-  Aberdeen, Scotland, instead of from the vessel  (CCUS). On the environmental front, Petrobras
       ing to an updated resource estimate for the Neon  itself. The approach was informed by Fugro’s  and Shell aim to establish projects to preserve
       field. The current resources estimated for the  remote ROV piloting experience in other parts  and restore biodiversity, with the goal of issuing
                                                                                credits to offset carbon emissions. In addition,
                                                                                the companies will also look to work together on
                                                                                social investment projects.
                                                                                  This partnership demonstrates that both
                                                                                companies appreciate there are strategic syn-
                                                                                ergies in E&P projects that include decar-
                                                                                bonisation initiatives, which are important in
                                                                                transitioning to a low-carbon economy and it
                                                                                reinforces their intention to seek new opportu-
                                                                                nities together in Brazil and elsewhere. Commit-
                                                                                tees with representatives from both companies
                                                                                will be set up to monitor the progress of the var-
                                                                                ious studies and discussions.
                                                                                  “Being able to rely on partners, such as Shell,
                                                                                is vital for Petrobras’s future plans, because part-
                                                                                ners can add their strength to areas where the
                                                                                company is looking for profitable diversifica-
                                                                                tion, such as renewables and hydrogen. We will
                                                                                be looking to learn from the main players as we
                                                                                lead Petrobras towards a fair energy transition,”
                                                                                stressed Jean Paul Prates.
                                                                                Petrobras, 09 March 2023

       P16                                     www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 11   15•March•2023
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