Page 4 - MEOG Week 30 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Iran makes new find, reiterates

       output expansion plans

       Tehran has provided more detail on its deal with Gazprom

       while announcing another massive gas discovery.

        IRAN             IRAN this week reiterated plans to significantly   According to the Ministry of Petroleum’s
                         increase its production capacities for oil and gas  (MoP) Shana news agency, that agreement cov-
                         by the end of the decade. Meanwhile, details  ers the development of the Kish and North Pars
       WHAT:             have emerged about investments to be made by  gas fields, pressure enhancement at the super-
       Of the Russian firm’s   Russian companies following last week’s head-  giant South Pars offshore gas field and the devel-
       planned $40bn     line-grabbing deal.                  opment of six undisclosed oilfields. The parties
       investment, $4bn will   While the expansion plans are not new, the  will also engage on gas and product swaps, while
       be spent expanding oil   level of investment mentioned is, with the Rus-  Gazprom will work to complete LNG projects
       production from seven   sian commitment accounting for around a quar-  abandoned when sanctions were imposed on
       fields in the south-west   ter of projected spending.  Iran in 2012 and construct gas export pipelines.
       of Iran.            According to the official Islamic Republic  The deal also covers scientific and technological
                         News Agency (IRNA), the National Iranian Oil  co-operation.
       WHY:              Co. (NIOC) has a seven-year investment plan   Early this month, NIOC signed a $7bn invest-
       Another major gas field   that will allow oil production to rise to 5.7mn  ment deal with local companies, banks and the
       has been discovered near   barrels per day, with that of gas rising to 1.5bn  National Development Fund of Iran (NDFI) to
       the supergiant South Pars   cubic metres per day, up from 3.8mn bpd and 1  raise output at Azadegan, Iran’s largest oilfield, to
       asset.            bcm per day respectively by 2029.    570,000 bpd from the current combined 215,000
                           The outlet noted, though, that oil output is  bpd across the north and south development
       WHAT NEXT:        running at just under 2.6mn bpd owing to sanc-  projects.
       Much of Iran’s planned   tions hampering exports.        Meanwhile, in March NIOC signed a
       oil and gas spending                                   $530mn, 20-year agreement with a foreign
       will focus on increasing   Investment                  company to apply enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
       recovery rates from   To achieve this, the country will require a com-  techniques at the South Pars Oil Layer (SPOL)
       oilfields and improving   bined $160bn of domestic and foreign direct   Located 130 km off Iran’s southern coast in
       gas reservoir pressure.  investment (FDI), with the IRNA report sug-  67 metres of water, the oil layer has an estimated
                         gesting that $50bn has already been secured,  7bn barrels of oil in place (OIP), 900mn barrels
                         including last week’s $40bn memorandum of  of which are seen as recoverable, with first phase
                         understanding (MoU) with Russian gas monop-  production reaching 25,000 bpd and the second
                         oly Gazprom.                         phase seen raising this to 55,000-60,000 bpd.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   27•July•2022
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