Page 6 - MEOG Week 30 2022
P. 6

MEOG                                   PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       Oil barter to fund Iran transit corridor

        IRAN             RUSSIAN construction assistance financed by a  to Iran’s Persian Gulf ports, opening up access to
                         barter for Iranian oil will bring forward the com-  much of the Middle East, and East Africa, as well
                         pletion of the Astara to Rasht rail route segment  as South Asia. When completed the INSTC route
                         running by Iran’s Caspian Sea coast to mid-2023.  will be billed as quicker and less expensive than
                           Iran plans to open up multi-modal cargo  the Asia to Europe Suez Canal route. INSTC has
                         transportation to and from Russia via the Astara  assumed far greater importance to Russia since
                         (both Iran and Azerbaijan have cities on the  its late February invasion of Ukraine provoked
                         Caspian Sea coast named Astara, which face  a wave of heavy Western economic sanctions
                         each other over the Astarachay border river) to  aimed at Moscow, causing the Kremlin to accel-
                         Rasht (further south on the Caspian Sea coast)  erate efforts to reorientate much of the Russian
                         and Caspian Port to Rasht routes, but as things  economy away from the West and towards the
                         stand only trucks have full use of the options, the  East and South.
                         director of the Iranian Construction and Devel-  Iran, with its access to the Persian Gulf and
                         opment of Transportation Infrastructures Com-  Indian Ocean, is an essential part of Russia’s tran-
                         pany, Abbas Khatibi, was reported as saying.  sit ambitions. Russia Briefing on July 25 reported
                           The Astara to Rasht and Caspian Port to Rasht  that the construction of the Astara to Rasht rail-
                         rail routes form an integral part of the developing  way was 70% complete and that the Iranian gov-
                         International North-South Transportation Cor-  ernment has approved the construction of the
                         ridor (INSTC), primarily presented as providing  Caspian Port to Rasht railway as a separate rail
                         trade linkage between Russia and India, via Azer-  route section for multi-modal cargo transporta-
                         baijan and Iran’s Sea of Oman (Indian Ocean)  tion to Russia and the other Caspian Sea coun-
                         Chabahar port, but also offering links such as  tries, namely Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia
                         the connection of Caspian Sea maritime trade  and Turkmenistan.™

       Maintenance planned for

       Azerbaijan-Turkey gas pipeline

        TURKEY           TURKEY’S state pipeline operator said on July  member states to an annual volume of at least
                         22 that it plans to suspend gas flows from Azer-  20bn cubic metres (bcm) a year by 2027.
                         baijan’s Shah Deniz gas field to Turkey pipeline
                         due to scheduled maintenance works.  Iran increase
                           “Due to planned maintenance works between  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
                         August 14-28 in Shah Deniz-Turkey pipe-  announced an increase in oil and gas imports
                         line there will be no natural gas delivery to the  from Iran on July 25.
                         national network from Turkgozu entry point for   Turkey agreed to a 25-year gas import deal
                         14 gas days,” Botas said in a statement.  from Iran to secure supplies to the country and
                           BOTAS added that it did not expect any  to allow further exports from Turkey onwards to
                         supply-demand balance issues in the national  Europe expected to start in the next two years.
                         transmission network during the period of   “Trade and bilateral cooperation with neigh-
                         maintenance. Turkey receives gas from the  bouring countries continues, but Ankara is com-
                         Shah Deniz I field in the Azerbaijani sector of  mitted to increasing the sale of oil and gas from
                         the Caspian Sea via the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum  Iran,” the Turkish leader said in an interview with
                         route. Azerbaijani gas also flows across Tur-  Turkish television TRT. On July 19, a meeting of
                         key through the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas  the Supreme Council for Cooperation between
                         Pipeline (TANAP), which stretches from the  Iran and Turkey was held in Tehran, where Pres-
                         Turkish-Georgian border to the Turkish-Greek  ident of the Islamic Republic Ebrahim Raisi
                         border. The European Union last week signed  stressed the need to develop trade and political
                         for more gas from Azerbaijan, which would  relations with neighbours, including Turkey.
                         need to flow to the bloc across Turkey, but so far  Iran has also expressed readiness to export gas to
                         the European Commission’s new gas agreement  Turkey. Raisi also assessed the relations between
                         with Azerbaijan only amounts to a memoran-  Ankara and Tehran as positive and progressive,
                         dum of understanding with Baku that, should  noting that both countries should pursue appro-
                         all be parameters be in place, it will more than  priate policies in order to move towards increas-
                         double exports of Azerbaijani natural gas to EU  ing trade exchanges to $30bn a year.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   27•July•2022
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