Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 31 2022
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                                      Rendering of GTE pipeline route (ExxonMobil)
       Progress report: Guyana’s

       Gas-to-Energy project

       EEPGL has recently awarded two “substantial” contracts related to the pipeline component of

       the project, and Guyana’s government has issued two RFPs for project management services

                         THE government of Guyana has said it wants to   subsidiary of ExxonMobil (US) that operates the
                         make a final investment decision (FID) on the   Stabroek block, on engineering, installation and
       WHAT:             Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project, which calls for   project management services for the pipeline.
       Georgetown is hoping to   using associated gas from several of the oilfields   The contract covers services for approximately
       make an FID on the GTE   at the offshore Stabroek block as feedstock for   190 km of pipe, including a deepwater portion
       project by year-end.  electricity production, by the end of this year. It   in waters up to 1,450 metres deep and a shal-
                         appears to be on track to meet this deadline and   low-water portion and onshore section that will
       WHY:              is making progress on the project.   make landfall on Guyana’s coast to the west of
       EEPGL’s contract awards   This essay will describe two of the contracts   the Demerara River, it said.
       indicate that work on   recently awarded for work on the GTE projects,   The statement did not reveal the exact value
       the pipeline is mov-  along with one more milestone that will have to   of the contract. But Subsea 7 did define the pro-
       ing forward, and the   be met over the next few months, prior to FID.  ject as “substantial.” That is, it said its own share
       government is seeking
       assistance with project                                of the contract was worth $150-300mn.
       management.       EPCI services                          Craig Broussard, vice president of Subsea
                         The first of the contracts in question went to   7 US, commented: “We are honoured to have
       WHAT NEXT:        Subsea 7 (Luxembourg) and Van Oord (Neth-  been selected for Guyana Gas-to-Energy. This
       The parties are likely to   erlands), and it concerns the pipeline that will   is an important project to support the Guyanese
       meet their self-imposed   pump gas from Stabroek to an onshore facility.  people, and we look forward to continuing our
       deadline for FID.   On July 27, the companies said in a statement   relationship with EEPGL in one of the most
                         that they had struck a deal with Esso Explora-  prolific and exciting development basins in the
                         tion & Production Guyana Ltd (EEPGL), the   world.”

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   03•August•2022
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