Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 31 2022
P. 9

LatAmOil                                         GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

                         It seeks to keep project expenses under tight   target, on stream in February 2022. The third
                         control, thereby ensuring the thorough planning   target, Payara, is due to follow suit in late 2023
                         of the project before a final quote is submitted.  and Yellowtail, the fourth, in 2025.
                           Uaru, located north-east of the Liza field, is   ExxonMobil has contracted SBM Offshore of
                         the 16th discovery at the Stabroek block. Exx-  the Netherlands to build the Liza Destiny and
                         onMobil first found oil there in 2020, when it   the Liza Unity, the FPSOs installed at the Liza-1
                         drilled the Uaru-1 well, and then found more in   and Liza-2 fields respectively. It has also awarded
                         2021 at Uaru-2, which also has newly identified   the Dutch company contracts for the Prosperity
                         intervals below Uaru-1. The Mako field, mean-  and OneGuyana FPSOs, which will be installed
                         while, was discovered in 2019 with the drilling   at Payara and Yellowtail respectively. ™
                         of the Mako-1 well.
                           As the company waits for environmental
                         authorisation for the Uaru project, ExxonMobil
                         is working to limit the possibility of gas flaring
                         issues at the field. Anthony Jackson, ExxonMo-
                         bil’s in-country projects manager, has stated that
                         the company will look to install spares for the
                         vessel’s compression system in order to reduce
                         non-routine flaring. Going forward, ExxonMo-
                         bil is looking to develop a “flare minimisation
                         plan”, he was quoted as saying by
                           The US-based super-major repeatedly
                         experienced flaring problems at Liza-1, its first
                         production target, in 2020 and 2021, due to tech-
                         nical issues with the flash gas compressor (FGC)
                         system on the FPSO installed at the field. Those
                         issues have been resolved, and ExxonMobil says
                         it has applied the lessons learned at Liza-1 to its
                         other development projects at Stabroek.
                           Equity in the Stabroek project is split between
                         ExxonMobil, the operator, with 45%; Hess, with
                         30%; and state-run China National Offshore
                         Oil Corp. (CNOOC), with 25%. The deepwater
                         block covers an area of 26,800 square km and
                         contains at least 11bn barrels of oil equivalent
                         (boe) in recoverable reserves.
                           The US giant and its partners have already
                         made more than 25 commercial discoveries
                         at Stabroek since they first struck oil at Liza in
                         2015. They launched production at Liza-1, their
                         first development target, in December 2019 and
                         then brought Liza-2, the second development        Uaru and Mako lie to the east of the Liza oilfield (Image: Hess)

       Tullow expected to submit Orinduik

       drilling programme in near future

                         TULLOW Oil (UK/Ireland) is reportedly mov-  has now entered into “the next phase,” and the
                         ing closer to submitting its exploration drilling   company is anticipated to declare its drilling
                         programme for the Orinduik offshore block to   commitments before the end of the third quar-
                         the government of Guyana, according to Eco   ter of this year, he explained.
                         (Atlantic) Oil & Gas, the UK-based company   Tullow is optimistic about the potential of the
                         that has a non-operating stake in the project.  Cretaceous horizon in Orinduik’s south-eastern
                           Citing statements from Dr. Michael Green,   corner, which is on trend with the latest two dis-
                         an analyst for the UK consultancy Align   coveries made at the Stabroek block operated by
                         Research, Eco Atlantic indicated that Tullow   ExxonMobil, Green added. The company hopes
                         was making progress with respect to choosing   to find light crude oil in this section of Orinduik,
                         the sites where it will test the potential of targets   and the US super-major’s successes are helping
                         in the Cretaceous layer. The selection process   to guide its selection of drilling sites, he stated.

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