Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 31 2022
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                              Paul Baay, President and CEO, commented:  $42.5mn in contingent payments, depending on
       PIPELINES & TRANSPORT               “The completion of the Coho facility and pipe-  future Brent prices and asset development.
                                           line will be a significant milestone for Touch-  This disclosure is in accordance with Petro-
       Touchstone to commence              stone, as it will represent our first natural gas  bras’ internal rules and with the provisions of
                                                                                the special procedure for assignment of rights
                                           production and is expected to double our cur-
       pre-commissioning and               rent production on a boe basis. Throughout this  on exploration, development and production
                                           process we have encountered challenges that  of oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons,
       commissioning of Coho gas           have provided us valuable knowledge to stream-  provided for in Decree 9,355/2018.
                                                                                  This transaction is in line with the compa-
                                           line the construction of the Cascadura facility.
       facility and pipeline               missioning process, we will need to balance the  improved allocation of its capital, aiming to
                                                                                ny’s portfolio management strategy and the
                                              “During the pre-commissioning and com-
       Touchstone Exploration has summitted a notice  system with the well, pipeline and Central block  maximize value and provide greater return to
       to residents in the community that the Coho gas  facility. We will keep all stakeholders informed  society. Petrobras is increasingly concentrating
       facility and pipeline will commence pre-com-  of our progress, and I would personally like  its resources on assets in deep and ultradeep
       missioning and commissioning operations.  to thank our shareholders for their contin-  waters, where it has shown a great competitive
       Pursuant to the Coho Certification of Envi-  ued patience as we proceed to full commercial  edge over the years.
       ronmental Clearance, residential notification is  production.”             About Peroá Cluster: Petrobras holds 100%
       required to be made a minimum of five business   Touchstone Exploration, August 3 2022  stakes in the Peroá and Cangoá fields, located
       days prior to the commencement of operations.                            in shallow waters, whose average production
       The Coho area is located in the Ortoire block,                           from January to June 2022 was about 572,000
       where Touchstone has an 80% operating work-  INVESTMENT                  cubic metres per day of non-associated gas, and
       ing interest and Heritage Petroleum Company                              100% stakes in the BM-ES-21 exploratory block,
       Limited holds the remaining 20% working   Petrobras concludes the        located in deep waters, where the Malombe dis-
       interest.                                                                covery is located.
         The pre-commissioning of the gas facility and   sale of E&P assets in    About 3R Petroleum: 3R Petroleum Óleo e
       pipeline consists of testing all electronics, alarms,                    Gás SA, a company listed on B3’s New Market,
       and operating systems in the facility, testing of   Espírito Santo       is a company focused on the redevelopment of
       the flare and emergency shutdown systems, as                             mature and producing fields. The redevelopment
       well as purging air from the system using inert  Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  of offshore fields is carried out by 3R Petroleum
       nitrogen gas. Subsequent to these operations,  on January 29, 2021, informs that yesterday it has  Offshore SA, formerly OP Energia Ltda.
       system commissioning operations will com-  finalized the sale of all its stakes in the producing   Petrobras, August 3 2022
       mence, which entails the introduction of natu-  fields of Peroá and Cangoá, and in the BM-ES-
       ral gas from the Coho-1 well into the facility and  21 concession (Malombe Discovery Evaluation   Credit agreement of
       pipeline in a step rate manner, officially bringing  Plan) jointly called Peroá Cluster, located in the
       the system onstream to the Central block natural  Espírito Santo Basin to the company 3R Petro-  $500mn for the acquisition
       gas facility.                       leum Offshore SA, previously called OP Energia
         Coho-1 will commence production fol-  Ltda.                            of the Potiguar Cluster
       lowing completion of the commissioning and   The transaction was concluded with payment
       pipeline handover process, with the expectation  at sight of $8.07mn to Petrobras, already with  3R Petroleum Óleo e Gás SA informs its share-
       that production will increase over time to 10  the adjustments provided for in the contract.  holders, investors and the market in general
       mcf per day (1,667 boepd) gross, 8 mcf per day  The amount received yesterday is in addition to  that, on this date, its wholly-owned subsidi-
       (1,333 boepd) net. Touchstone will provide fur-  the $5mn paid to Petrobras when the purchase  ary 3R Lux, a private limited liability company
       ther information once production is optimized  and sale contract was signed. In addition to this  (société à responsabilité limitée) formed under
       through the system.                 amount, Petrobras is expected to receive up to  the laws of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, reg-
                                                                                istered with the Luxembourg Register of Com-
                                                                                merce and Companies (Registre de commerce
                                                                                et des sociétés, Luxembourg) under number
                                                                                B-268764, entered into a financing transaction
                                                                                with financial institutions and the lead arranger
                                                                                Morgan Stanley Senior Funding Inc., as lenders,
                                                                                in a committed amount of $500mn, by means
                                                                                of the execution of a “Credit and Guarantee
                                                                                Agreement” entered into by and among the
                                                                                Borrower, the lenders, the Company and certain
                                                                                subsidiaries of the Company, UMB Bank, NA, as
                                                                                administrative agent, and TMF Group New York
                                                                                LLC, as collateral agent, which will be guaran-
                                                                                teed (garantia fidejussória) by the Company and
                                                                                certain subsidiaries of the Company, and will be
                                                                                secured by certain (i) receivables, (ii) shares, and
                                                                                (iii) concessions emerging rights of certain sub-
                                                                                sidiaries of the Company.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   03•August•2022
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