Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 31 2022
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The financial institutions, led by Morgan Stan-
       ley Senior Funding Inc. are: Banco do Brasil SA;
       Citibank N/A; Deutsche Bank AG; HSBC Méx-
       ico, SA; Itau BBA International plc; and Banco
       Santander (Brasil) SA. The Financing shall
       mature within 54 to 60 months from the date
       hereof and provide for an interest rate, starting
       on the disbursement date, corresponding to the
       reference rate SOFR plus 6.25% per annum, the
       latter may vary in accordance with certain con-
       ditions set forth in the Credit Agreement. The
       proceeds from the Financing shall be mainly
       directed to the consummation of the acquisition
       of the Potiguar Cluster, an upstream (oil and gas
       producing fields) and mid & downstream (pri-
       vate use terminal, refinery, and storage) assets,  2022-26 the investment projects requested by the  the current fiscal year for purposes of calculating
       located in the Potiguar Basin, in the state do Rio  business areas were met because they presented  the deduction.
       Grande do Norte and currently owned and oper-  good resilience and are supported by operating   Petrobras, July 28 2022
       ated by Petróleo Brasileiro SA – Petrobras.  cash generation and the flow of divestments,
         Additionally, it is worth noting that: (i) until  with no adverse effects on leverage. Therefore,
       the consummation of the acquisition of the  there are no investments held back by financial  PERFORMANCE
       Potiguar Cluster, the Company will pay a tick-  or budgetary constraints and the decision to use
       ing fee lower than the interest rate to be charged  the surplus resources to remunerate sharehold-  Petrobras maintains
       after the Financing has been disbursed; and (ii)  ers presents itself as the most efficient one for
       the disbursement of the Financing is subject to  optimizing the allocation of cash.  history of solidity, financial
       compliance with usual conditions precedent for   The dividends will be paid in two equal
       similar operations in the market and set forth in  installments in August and September, as   sustainability with
       the Loan Agreement.                 follows:
         Finally, 3R reinforces its commitment to   Amount to be paid: BRL6.732003 per com-  distribution of profits
       keep its shareholders, investors, and the market  mon and preferred share outstanding, whereby:
       in general duly informed, in line with the best   (i) the first installment, in the amount of  Strong cash generation, reflecting the company’s
       corporate governance practices and in strict  BRL3.366002 per outstanding preferred and  operating performance and the increase in the
       compliance with current legislation.  common share, will be paid on August 31, 2022.  oil market price, allowed the company to expand
       3R Petroleum Óleo e Gás, August 2 2022  (ii) the second installment, in the amount  the distribution of generated profits and the pay-
                                           of BRL3.366001 per outstanding preferred and  ment of taxes and government participation,
       Petrobras comments                  common share, will be paid on September 20,  which benefit society as a whole.
                                                                                  Petrobras once again achieved solid quarterly
       on remuneration to                  of Petrobras shares traded on B3 and August   According to Chief Financial and Investor
                                              Record date: August 11, 2022, for holders  results.
       shareholders                        15, 2022 for ADR holders traded on New York  Relations Officer Rodrigo Araujo Alves, “The
                                           Stock Exchange (NYSE). Petrobras shares will  results of the second quarter of 2022 show the
       Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors,  be traded ex-dividends on B3 and NYSE as of  resilience and solidity of the company, which is
       at a meeting held today, approved the payment  August 12, 2022.          capable of generating sustainable results, con-
       of dividends in the amount of BRL6.732003 per   Payment date: For holders of Petrobras  tinuing its history of value creation. In line with
       outstanding preferred and common share.  shares traded on B3, first payment will be made  our commitment to distribute our profits, we
         The proposed dividend is in line with the  on August 31, 2022, and second payment will  approved shareholder compensation of BRL6.73
       Shareholder Remuneration Policy, which pro-  be made on September 20, 2022. ADR holders  per common and preferred share. Additionally,
       vides that in case of gross debt below $65bn,  will receive payments starting on September 08,  we paid a total BRL77.3bn in taxes and govern-
       Petrobras may distribute to its shareholders 60%  2022, and September 27, 2022, respectively.  ment participation in the second quarter. Over
       of the difference between operating cash flow   Form of distribution: The first installment of  the year, the figure totaled BRL147bn, a 92%
       and acquisitions of fixed and intangible assets  payment will be made as follows: (a) dividends,  increase compared to the first half of last year”.
       (investments). In addition, the Policy also fore-  of BRL2.938861 per outstanding preferred and   Net income in the quarter was $11bn, mainly
       sees the possibility of paying extraordinary divi-  common share; and (b) interest on equity of  reflecting the appreciation of the Brent Crude
       dends, provided that the financial sustainability  BRL0.427141 per outstanding preferred and  Oil price in the period. Additionally, the result
       of the Company is preserved.        common share. The second installment will be  was positively impacted by the capital gain of
         The approval of the proposed dividend is  paid in full as dividends.   $5.2bn related to the co-participation agree-
       compatible with the company’s financial sus-  It is important to point out that these pro-  ment in Sépia and Atapu. Excluding special
       tainability and is aligned with the commitment  ceeds will be deducted from the dividends to  items, recurring net income in the quarter was
       of value generation for the society and for the  be approved at the 2023 Annual Shareholders’  $9.1bn. These factors also explain the growth
       shareholders, as well as with the best practices in  Meeting for the year 2022, and their amounts  in recurring EBITDA to $20.2bn (+34% vs
       the oil and gas industry.           will be adjusted by the Selic rate from the date  Q1-2022) and free cash flow to $12.8bn (+61%
         It is worth noting that in the Strategic Plan  of payment of each installment until the end of  vs Q1-2022).

       Week 31   03•August•2022                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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