Page 12 - DMEA Week 22 2021
P. 12

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              by the end of this week to consult with   allow a UN mission to inspect the tanker had
                                           their governments on sticking points. There   “reached a dead end.”
       Iran agreement now not              were tentative suggestions that they might   1.1 million barrels of crude on board and has
                                                                                  The 45-year-old fuel vessel FSO Safer has
                                           reconvene in Vienna on June 10.
       expected until August               Iran verifiably keeps its nuclear development   been abandoned near Yemen’s western port of
                                             The nuclear deal is designed to ensure
                                                                                Hodeida since 2015.
       Negotiators now expect to finalise a deal to   programme entirely civilian. In return, the   UN inspectors were initially meant to
       revive the 2015 nuclear deal in August when   major powers are supposed to shield the   assess the tanker last year but the mission has
       Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s term   country from major sanctions. Trump pulled   been repeatedly delayed over disagreements
       of office concludes, according to Ali Rabiei,   the US out of the deal, otherwise known as the  with the rebels.
       spokesman for Iran’s government.    JCPOA, arguing it was not tight enough.  A spokesperson for Britain at the UN said
         Hopes that an agreement acceptable to   Another impediment to striking a deal   there was a “grave risk” of an oil spill “which
       Tehran and the US could be found ahead of   emerged this week when a report from the   would be catastrophic for Yemen and the
       Iran’s June 18 presidential election appear   UN nuclear watchdog showed that Iran has   region.”
       to be fading. If such a deadline was met, it   failed to explain traces of uranium found at   “The responsibility for the tanker lies with
       might prove a vote winner for the candidates   several undeclared sites. Nuclear inspectors   the Huthis and they must cooperate with the
       in the poll who are closer in their politics   from the watchdog, the International Atomic   UN. We are bringing this issue to the UN
       to the pragmatic, moderate Rouhani. Thus   Energy Authority (IAEA), have, meanwhile,   Security Council tomorrow to discuss next
       the hardliners close to the supreme leader,   listed 15 areas in Iran where they can no   steps,” he added.
       Ayatollah Ali Khamene “who has the final   longer do their monitoring job, including   The Huthi rebels said Tuesday that
       say on all matters of state and who on May   the verification of centrifuge machine shops   negotiations with the UN had reached an
       27 approved the Guardian Council election   and some parts of the uranium fuel cycle.   impasse after several days of talks, according
       vetting body’s move to exclude the top   Investigators have also stated that they   to their Al-Masira channel.
       moderate candidates from the upcoming   no longer have daily access to key Iranian   They said they “deeply regret the UN’s
       contest” would likely prefer any relaunch of   enrichment facilities at Fordow or Natanz.  backing out of conducting maintenance work
       the nuclear deal to be announced once the   The IAEA envoys responsible for   (in a deal) that was signed last November.”
       voting is over.                     maintaining checks on Iran are due to   Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for
         Rabiei said that there were “no obstacles”   convene on June 7. In terms of censure, it is   UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres,
       in the way of negotiators in Vienna, who have   possible they may opt to tread carefully given   reiterated that maintenance work can’t be
       completed their eighth week of talks, adding   the delicate stage the JCPOA revival talks have   undertaken without an impartial assessment
       at a televised press conference: “We’re close   reached.                 first. He said the rebels’ comments “seem
       to an understanding over principal, nuclear   BNE                        to confirm that the Huthis aren’t ready to
       issues… [but there are] some differences                               provide the assurances we need to deploy the
       such as [ex US president Donald] Trump’s   UN Security Council to        UN mission to the Safer.”
       sanctions and Iran’s measures need to be                                   “The Safer is a dangerous site, and we need
       worked out.”                        discuss Yemen oil tanker             to understand exactly what we’re dealing
         “It is natural that due to the complexities                            with before undertaking any major works,”
       created by the Trump administration’s   impasse                          Dujarric said. The UN has said an oil spill
       numerous sanctions and Iran’s measures...,                               would destroy Red Sea ecosystems, shut down
       many details need to be considered, but none   The UN Security Council will meet this week   the fishing industry and close Yemen’s lifeline
       of these obstacles are insurmountable,” Rabiei   to discuss a long-abandoned fuel tanker off   Hodeida port for six months.
       added.                              Yemen amid growing fears of a catastrophic   Apart from corrosion to the ageing vessel,
         The delegations from Iran, the US, France,   oil spill, diplomats said Wednesday.  essential work to curb explosive gases in its
       Germany, the UK, China and Russia were on   Thursday’s meeting, requested by Britain,   storage tanks has been neglected.
       June 2 gearing up to return to their capitals   comes after Huthi rebels said an agreement to   AFP

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