Page 9 - DMEA Week 22 2021
P. 9

DMEA                                              FUELS                                               DMEA

       Jordan launches first phase of

       world’s largest oil shale power plant

        MIDDLE EAST      A  Chinese contractor on Jordan’s Attarat  minimum linkage to the global oil price. Mean-
                         um Ghudran oil shale power plant last week  while, the APSO JV is assuming all risk relating
                         announced that the facility’s first unit is now  to the supply of fuel and water.
                         online.                                Despite the environmental challenges of tap-
                           State-owned China Energy Engineering  ping oil shales, Jordan has remained bullish and
                         Corp. (CEEC) tweeted that the first of two 235-  Energy Minister Hala Zawati has spoken of its
                         MW units “was synchronised with the national  potential to help diversify the kingdom’s electric-
                         grid” on May 26. The company noted that it is  ity supply.
                         the world’s largest oil shale power plant and it has   She anticipates renewable energy – almost
                         now reached 96% completion.          exclusively solar – and oil shale to account for
                           CEEC is the engineering, procurement  31% and 15% respectively of Jordan’s total elec-
                         and construction (EPC) contractor for Attarat  tricity generation by 2030, though the oil shale
                         Power Co. (APCO), a joint venture (JV) between  figure is notably the same as the target that had
                         Malaysia’s YTL Power International (45%), Chi-  previously been given for 2020.
                         na’s Guangdong Yudean Group (45%) and Esto-  That 470-MW APCO plant will be the first
                         nia’s Enefit (10%).                  oil shale-fired electricity generation facility in the
                           The $2.1bn project includes an opencast mine  Middle East when it is complete. It is expected
                         and will generate 3.7bn kWh, enough to meet  to consume around 10mn tonnes (73mn bar-
                         almost 20% of Jordan’s electricity demand.  rels) per year of oil shale, which can be burned
                           CEEC noted that the project “has adopted  directly for electricity generation.
                         an advanced oil shale circulating fluidised bed   According to various domestic and foreign
                         boiler, over 70% of which is made [in] China”.  studies, oil shale reserves lie beneath at least
                           According to APCO, the plant will supply  70% of Jordan’s entire territory, translating into
                         power to Amman’s National Electric Power  around 31bn tonnes (227bn barrels) of oil, put-
                         Co. (NEPCO) under a 30-year power purchase  ting Jordan among the top 10 largest oil shale
                         agreement (PPA) with a competitive tariff and  holders in the world.™

       Week 22   03•June•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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