Page 13 - DMEA Week 39 2022
P. 13

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA


       ADNOC and TAQA close

       landmark clean energy
       and decarbonisation


       Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) and
       Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. (TAQA) have
       announced the successful financial closing of
       their $3.8bn strategic project to power and sig-
       nificantly decarbonise ADNOC’s offshore pro-
       duction operations.
         Together with a consortium comprised of
       Korea Electric Power (KEPCO), Kyushu Electric
       Power Co. (Kyuden) and Électricité de France
       (EDF) (the Consortium), this is a first-of-its-
       kind high-voltage direct current (HVDC) sub-
       sea transmission network in the MENA region.
       The innovative project progressed rapidly from
       concept to development phase with construc-
       tion starting in early 2022, underscoring both
       ADNOC and TAQA’s leading positions to drive
       climate action and support the “UAE Net-Zero
       by 2050 Strategic Initiative.”
         The Consortium will build, own, operate and
       transfer the state-of-the-art transmission system  in accelerating the UAE’s energy transition by  installed capacity of 3.2 GW and will comprise
       alongside ADNOC and TAQA, with the full pro-  delivering cohesive solutions that enable cleaner  two independent sub-sea HVDC links and con-
       ject being returned to ADNOC after 35 years of  sources of power to fuel economic growth.  verter stations.
       operation.                          Reaching financial close is an important mile-  Commercial operation is expected to com-
         Commenting on the successful financial clos-  stone for this distinctive project, which will see  mence in 2025.
       ing of the transaction, Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, UAE  TAQA providing ADNOC offshore facilities   ADNOC, September 23 2022
       Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology,  with low-carbon energy securely and efficiently
       Special Envoy for Climate Change and Manag-  through TRANSCO’s power network system.   QatarEnergy, GE to develop
       ing Director and Group CEO of ADNOC, said:  TAQA continues to showcase how its expertise
       “ADNOC has once again demonstrated its abil-  can be utilised to decarbonise industry through   carbon capture roadmap
       ity to successfully structure and close a bold and  strategic partnerships and bringing value to its
       progressive transaction that will help secure our  stakeholders.’        and low-carbon solutions
       low-carbon future as we intensify our efforts to   More than 50% of the value of this project
       decarbonise our operations. This innovative and  will flow back into the UAE’s economy under   for Qatar’s energy sector
       first-of-its-kind project in the region is driving  ADNOC’s hugely successful In-Country Value
       responsible and sustainable value creation into  (ICV) programme.        QatarEnergy signed a Memorandum of Under-
       Abu Dhabi, further cementing the UAE’s stand-  This landmark transaction also sets another  standing (MoU) with General Electric (GE)
       ing as a trusted, go-to investment destination  benchmark for large-scale investment into the  to collaborate on developing a carbon capture
       of global capital. As the responsible provider of  UAE and ADNOC from leading global energy  roadmap for the energy sector in Qatar. The
       reliable and low-carbon energy, ADNOC will  companies and reinforces ADNOC’s focus and  focus of the MoU is to explore the feasibility of
       continue to work with our partners to advance  role as a catalyst for responsible and sustainable  developing a world-scale carbon hub at Ras Laf-
       practical and commercially viable solutions as  investment and value creation for Abu Dhabi  fan Industrial City, which as of today, is home to
       the energy transition partner of choice.”  and the UAE.                  more than 80 GE gas turbines.
         The development is expected to reduce the   Background: The project was initially   Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the Minister of State
       carbon footprint of ADNOC’s offshore oper-  announced on December 22, 2021.  for Energy Affairs, the President and CEO of
       ations by more than 30%, replacing existing   Given higher interest rates at the time of  QatarEnergy, witnessed the signing of the MoU,
       offshore gas turbine generators with more sus-  Financial Closing, total project cost is $3.8bn vs.  which was held at QatarEnergy’s headquarters
       tainable power sources available on the Abu  $3.6bn as announced on December 22, 2021.  in Doha today. The MoU was signed by Ahmad
       Dhabi onshore power network, operated by   The KEPCO-led Consortium collectively  Saeed Al-Amoodi, QatarEnergy’s Executive
       TAQA’s wholly owned subsidiary, Abu Dhabi  holds a 40% stake in the project on a build,  Vice President, Surface Development and Sus-
       Transmission and Despatch Co. (TRANSCO).  own, operate and transfer (BOOT) basis, with  tainability and Joseph Anis, the President and
         Mohamed Hassan Alsuwaidi, Chairman of  ADNOC and TAQA each owning a 30% stake.  CEO of GE Gas Power Europe, Middle East and
       TAQA, said: “TAQA is taking a progressive role   The transmission system will have a total  Africa.

       Week 39   29•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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