Page 7 - MEOG Week 38
P. 7

MEOG                                             POLICY                                               MEOG

       Iran says nuclear

       deal worth saving

        IRAN             THE head of Iran’s nuclear agency has said that  developing a nuclear weapons programme.
                         the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world   Since the US pulling out in 2018, Iran has
                         powers is struggling since the US pulled out  steadily been reneging on the agreement in
                         under President Donald Trump in 2018, IRNA  incremental phases but making sure not to irk
                         reported on September 21.            the current signatories to the deal by increasing
                           Recent developments of the US trying to  enrichment capacity.
                         enact so-called “snap-back” United Nations   Salehi, speaking via media link, said it was of
                         sanctions on Iran for reneging on the agreement  utmost importance that the remaining signato-
                         have been met with scorn following the US pull-  ries find a resolution to resolve “the difficulties
                         ing out of the deal and no longer being a signa-  caused by the illegal withdrawal of the US from
                         tory. Iranian officials have ridiculed both the US  the deal.”
                         president and foreign minister for trying to push   “There is still a broad agreement among the
                         for new sanctions, while Europe has said it is  international community that the JCPOA should
                         worth keeping making sure Iran is kept in check.  be preserved,” he said.
                           Ali Akbar Salehi to members of the Interna-  Salehi’s comments were followed by the US’
                         tional Atomic Energy Agency that the so-called  member of the IAEA, who said: “On top of its
                         Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)  horrific record as the world’s largest state spon-
                         has been caught in a quasi-stalemate situation”  sor of terrorism, Iran has a lamentable history of
                         due to US intransigence.             providing only grudging, dilatory, and incom-
                           The deal originally allowed Iran modest  plete cooperation, if at all, with the IAEA. Iran
                         access to international markets and a return of  must do more, much more, to ensure both timely
                         its assets, including payment by former US Pres-  and complete compliance with the safeguards
                         ident Barack Obama of $400mn in cash for not  obligations.”™

       Turkey takes assertive

       role in Caucasus conflict

        TURKEY           TURKEY’S full-throttled support for Azerbaijan  diplomatic visits and carried out expanded joint
                         during recent hostilities with Armenia reflects a  military exercises.
                         larger drive by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan   Erdogan’s rhetoric has also been harsher than
                         to assert his country’s influence in its sprawling  in the past. He has called Armenia “an invader”
                         neighbourhood.                       and vowed that its actions would not go unan-
                           In recent years, Erdogan has undertaken a  swered. In a veiled swipe at Russia, he claimed
                         more aggressive foreign policy across the Mid-  the attack “was beyond Armenia’s calibre.”
                         dle East, north Africa and the eastern Mediter-  Azerbaijan has been a Turkish ally since gain-
                         ranean, frustrating Turkey’s traditional Western  ing independence with the collapse of the Soviet
                         allies. Many of these moves have put it at odds  Union. The two countries share ethnic and lin-
                         with Russia.                         guistic ties, and officials from both frequently
                           The outbreak of fighting in July between  recite the refrain that they are “one people, two
                         Armenia and Azerbaijan has added the South  states.”
                         Caucasus to the expanding geography of Tur-  Still, Ankara’s support for Baku had been
                         key’s self-assigned strategic backyard—and fur-  tempered by its view of the South Caucasus as
                         ther raised the potential for tension with Russia,  Russia’s sphere of influence.
                         which has a mutual defence treaty with Armenia.  Turkish officials have implied that the
                           Following the clashes—the heaviest fighting  July fighting, which took place on the border
                         between the two former Soviet republics since  between Armenia’s Tavush and Azerbaijan’s
                         2016—Turkey has taken an unusually assertive  Tovuz regions, threaten a key Azerbaijani trans-
                         posture in the region to back its ally, Azerbaijan.  portation and energy corridor with Turkey.
                         It offered to supply it with weapons, and the two   Energy is a cornerstone of the relationship.
                         sides have held several high-level military and  Azerbaijan supplies Turkey with nearly a fifth

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