Page 8 - MEOG Week 38
P. 8

MEOG                                              POLICY                                               MEOG

                         of its natural gas imports, as well as Caspian Sea  to Iraq, Syria and Libya and dispatched war-
                         oil to the hub of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean  ships to accompany a research vessel hunting
                         coast, through pipelines that traverse Tovuz.  for hydrocarbons in Mediterranean waters that
                           “This is a very core security issue for Turkey  international law says are Greek. These missions
                         for energy security,” a senior Turkish energy  are reshaping Turkey into an independent global
                         ministry official told reporters in Istanbul on  power, he has said.
                         condition his name was not used. “We will take   “Turkish foreign policy has become
                         any relevant measures to continue” oil and gas  extremely militarised in recent years [and its]
                         flows from Azerbaijan.               military support for Azerbaijan indicates a pref-
                           Russia dominates Turkish imports of oil, gas  erence for confrontation over diplomacy,” Uzgel
                         and coal, and a decades-old natural gas contract  said.
                         expires next year. The energy ministry official   Engagement in the Caucasus would bring
                         said Turkey is now seeking far more competitive  Nato member Turkey into yet another potential
                         terms in its negotiations with Russia.  zone of contention with Russia, with which it
                           “From the Turkish government’s perspective,  maintains complex, frequently shifting relations.
                         the recent escalation between Azerbaijan and   While Russia and Turkey are on opposing
                         Armenia was the result of Armenia’s—backed  sides in Libya and Syria, they have learned to
                         by Russia—attack against Azerbaijani-Turkish  navigate a partnership because of the advantages
                         energy projects, namely the Baku-Ceyhan oil  it bestows, including energy supplies, weapons
                         pipeline, assuming that Russia might aim to dis-  procurement and diplomatic leverage with the
                         rupt the energy supplies from Azerbaijan to Tur-  West, Uzgel added.
                         key and instead keeping Turkey dependent on   In the Caucasus, Russia is Armenia’s main
                         Russian energy resources,” said Diana Yayloyan,  backer and keeps an army base there that serves
                         a research associate at the Ankara-based think  as a bulwark against Turkey, and Russian troops
                         tank TEPAV.                          patrol the Armenia-Turkey border. Russia also
                           “This is a dangerous narrative since it aims  maintains close ties with Azerbaijan, supplying
                         to present Armenia as an unpredictable destabi-  the latter with the bulk of its military hardware,
                         liser in the region—a narrative that Azerbaijan is  but Azerbaijan-Russia tensions have spiked,
                         gladly promoting,” she said.         with Aliyev publicly accusing Russian President
                           The top foreign policy adviser to Azerbai-  Vladimir Putin of shipping arms to Armenia in
                         jani President Ilham Aliyev, Hikmet Hajiyev,  the wake of the fighting.
                         attributed Turkey’s sharp response in part to the   In spite of Erdogan’s suggestion of a Russian
                         potential threat posed to infrastructure projects  hand behind the July fighting, Hajiyev said that
                         linking Turkey and Azerbaijan. That “stronger  Baku doesn’t blame Russia.
                         position was crucially important for Azerbaijan,”   “We believe it took Russia by surprise,” Haji-
                         Hajiyev told reporters in Istanbul at a September  yev said. He credited Russian diplomacy for
                         7 briefing.                          restoring relative calm. “We do not have any
                           Political developments at home have also  intention to reassess our relations” with Moscow.
                         influenced Turkey’s strategic thinking in the   Azerbaijan sees Russia as the key player in
                         Caucasus.                            resolving the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh,
                           Turkey severed ties with Armenia in 1993,  which has defied decades of international medi-
                         during Armenia’s war with Azerbaijan over the  ation and has failed to capture the attention of
                         territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, a breakaway  the current US administration.
                         majority-ethnic-Armenian part of Azerbaijan.  “It’s our belief that it should be a strategic
                           A US-backed effort to restore those diplo-  objective of Russia to see more de-escalation and
                         matic ties a decade ago withered on the vine.  a resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict,”
                         There is even less appetite for rapprochement  said Hajiyev. Russian and Turkish cooperation
                         now in Turkey, where Erdogan has stoked  “is a partnership that can bring security and sta-
                         nationalist sentiment to shore up support among  bility to our region, especially … for the durable
                         voters hit hard by a deep economic slowdown,  lasting resolution of the conflict.”
                         and to maintain his coalition with an ultra-na-  Others are less sanguine. Turkey’s swift and
                         tionalist party that opposes reconciliation with  severe condemnation of Armenia during the lat-
                         Armenia.                             est skirmishes is likely to bury the notion it can
                           The century-old genocide of ethnic Arme-  act as an arbiter, said Yayloyan.
                         nians in the Ottoman Empire also poisons the   “With its unprecedented harsh rhetoric and
                         relationship between the two sides.  unilateral support of Azerbaijan, Turkey has not
                           Erdogan “has sought to keep a national-  only further diminished the chances of normal-
                         ist narrative at the forefront out of concern for  ising … its relations with Armenia, which are
                         internal politics as much as foreign policy,” said  almost nonexistent, but also discredited itself as
                         Ilhan Uzgel, a professor of international relations  a potential participant … in the process of the
                         at Ankara University.                peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
                           In just the last year, Erdogan has sent soldiers  conflict,” she said.™

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