Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 25 2021
P. 13
LatAmOil PERU LatAmOil
Promigas arm adopts OPEN Smartflex
solution for gasification project in Peru
GASES del Norte del Perú (Gasnorp), a subsid- near future, it said. This gasification project will
iary of the Colombian natural gas transporta- allow nearly 260,000 people in the target areas
tion company Promigas, will use software from to gain access to cleaner-burning fuels, it noted.
Open International, a US-based company that Laura Tobaria, Open International’s
develops solutions for utilities, to support the vice-president for business development,
expansion of its distribution business into five praised the Promigas subsidiary’s plans for using
additional provinces of Peru. the CIS in Peru. “We are committed to helping
According to a statement from Open Inter- Gasnorp succeed and will work together to over-
national, Gasnorp has arranged to use OPEN come the challenges it has within the framework
Smartflex to support its commercial manage- of its concession contract in Peru,” she said.
ment processes. This customer information sys- “This implementation is another successful
tem (CIS) will allow the company to automate milestone in the natural gas sector and in our
its billing, collection, sales and customer service relationship with Promigas.”
processes in an integrated manner that makes Oscar Holguín, the technology manager of
all relevant information available online, it said. ENLACE, a shared services centre established
The system can be “in near-real time, with 24/7 for Promigas and its subsidiaries, also expressed
availability,” it added. satisfaction. “The implementation of this tech-
Gasnorp intends to use OPEN Smartflex to nological solution aims to incorporate the gas
support its efforts to expand gas distribution industry’s successful practices, ensure compli-
and related services in the Piura, Talara, Sullana, ance with the times established in the conces-
Sechura and Paita provinces of Peru, the state- sion plan, and ultimately improve the quality of
ment noted. The company has already launched life of the populations where Gasnorp operates,
the initial stages of operation in Piura and hopes allowing the company to be one of the best util-
to start working in the other provinces in the ities in Peru,” he commented.
Promigas struck a deal on gasification in the Piura province in 2019 (Photo: Promigas)
Week 25 24•June•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P13