Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 25 2021
P. 8

LatAmOil                                       VENEZUEL A                                           LatAmOil

                         As a result, the gasoline shortages that have been   “We’ve learned how to make something out
                         plaguing the country are set to “disappear” in the   of nothing,” he told Bloomberg. “It used to be
                         near future, he told Bloomberg.      that whenever any piece of equipment at PdVSA
                           The minister attributed these purported suc-  was damaged, you could pick up the telephone
                         cesses partly to the Venezuelan government’s   and call Siemens, General Electric, any com-
                         adoption of a law designed to attract foreign   pany, and they’d deliver a new one in 24 hours.
                         investors to oil projects by obscuring their iden-  Now it’s just us, with our technology and our
                         tity. This anti-blockade law has helped PdVSA   engineers.”
                         by ensuring that its new partners are protected   He went on to say that he expected condi-
                         from penalties under the US sanctions regime,   tions in Venezuela’s oil industry to continue
                         he explained.                        improving, noting that the government planned
                           Additionally, he said, Venezuela has built up   to invest $1.2bn in the sector this year. If PdVSA
                         domestic manufacturing capacity so that it no   succeeds in attracting $30bn worth of new
                         longer needs to buy equipment and parts from   investment, he added, it may be able to push
                         foreign suppliers.                   output levels up to as much as 5mn bpd. ™

       Hess COO says Uaru-Mako complex may be

       fifth development target at Stabroek

                         HESS, an independent US company, signalled   group’s appraisal drilling programme.
                         earlier this week that ExxonMobil and its part-  The first appraisal well drilled at the block
                         ners in the Stabroek block offshore Guyana were   was Longtail-3, he noted. The results from this
                         coming close to making a decision on their fifth   well make clear that the reservoir discovered
                         development target.                  in the Longtail-1 well is both deep and wide,
                           The group has already started production at   he said. “[It] is a very large reservoir system, so
                         the first target, known as Liza-1, and has identi-  clearly that is going to be in the development
                         fied Liza-2, Payara and Yellowtail as its second,   queue,” he added.
                         third and fourth targets. It has not yet named its   He also said, though, that another section of
                         next objectives, but Greg Hill, the COO of Hess,   Stabroek was more likely to be chosen as the fifth
                         indicated that the Uaru and Mako fields had the   development target. Results from the Mako-2
                         best chances of being selected.      appraisal well show that the Uaru and Mako
                           Speaking during a virtual Fireside Chat ses-  fields are part of a complex that is a “very oily,
                         sion during the JP Morgan 2021 Energy, Power   very good area,” he remarked.
                         & Renewables Conference, Hill asked: “So,   This complex has a better chance of taking
                         phase four obviously is going to be Yellowtail,   the fifth spot in the development queue and
                         and the question is, then, what is five, six, and   pushing Longtail back to sixth place because
                         potentially seven?” He then answered the ques-  it contains such large amounts of high-quality
                         tion by reviewing the results of the Stabroek   crude, he stated.

                                                Stabroek holds at least 9bn boe in recoverable resources (Image: ExxonMobil)

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