Page 22 - MEOG Week 01 2021
P. 22

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              federal and regional governments over the   Iranian oil fields in the Persian Gulf have
                                           Region’s budget share, which is dependent on   shown that the estimations of the in-place oil
       Kurdistan to hold vote on           KRG oil exports to Baghdad.          in these fields have increased by more than
                                                                                740 million barrels, Shana reported.
                                             The KRG agreed to send over 250
       new oil minister                    thousand barrels of oil per day to the federal   out by the Iranian Offshore Oil Company
                                                                                  Based on the Fast Track studies carried
                                           government as part of the 2021 Iraqi Budget
        The Kurdistan Region’s parliament will   bill, Talabani announced last week.  (IOOC) on Hendijan, Behregansar, Abouzar
       convene on Wednesday to vote on the next   “If the budget is approved, we, as the KRG,   and Nowruz oil fields, the total in-place oil
       Minister of Natural Resources, 19 months   are ready to deliver 250,000 barrels per day of   reserves of these fields have increased by 742
       after the cabinet was formed, a parliamentary   Kurdistan Region oil through SOMO [State   million barrels compared to the last approved
       source told Rudaw.                  Organization of Marketing of Oil],” Talabani   study carried on the fields and has reached 9.9
         The Kurdistan Regional Government   said following a four-hour parliament   billion barrels, an official with the company
       (KRG) has nominated Dr Kamal Atroshi   meeting, adding that the KRG has “always   announced.
       for the position, the KRG spokesperson   wanted to reach a comprehensive agreement   According to Ali Khajavi, the mentioned
       announced on Sunday.                with the federal government.”        studies have been completed in collaboration
         Atroshi was nominated by Prime Minister   The Kurdistan Region’s allocation of the   with capable domestic companies in less
       Masrour Barzani, Jotiar Adil said in a   federal budget has been a point of contention   than nine months and with average monthly
       statement. “It is our hope that the Kurdistan   with Baghdad. Iraq has not sent the   progress of over 11 percent.
       Parliament includes this topic in its next   autonomous region money for several months   The new findings indicate that the total
       session and provides a vote of confidence,” the   of 2020 amid oil disputes, preventing the KRG   extractable oil from the mentioned fields has
       statement said.                     from paying the salaries of its public servants.  also increased by 217 million barrels to reach
         Accoring to LinkedIn, Atroshi previously   The dispute between the two governments   more than 3.2 billion barrels, Khajavi said.
       served as an Energy Advisor to PM Barzani   was further complicated on November 12   “Considering the oil price at $45 per barrel,
       in 2019, after decades working in oil and gas   when Iraqi MPs passed the Fiscal Deficit   the added volume is equivalent to about $10
       companies across Europe, the Middle East   Coverage Bill to approve loans for civil servant  billion,” he added.
       and North America, including in Kuwait and   salaries in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region for   According to the official, conducting
       Canada. He obtained his PhD in Geophysics   the last two months of this year.  Master Development Plan (MDP) studies
       in Exploration and Production from the   The bill passed with a majority vote, despite  is the most important tool for optimizing
       University of Bordeaux in France, and worked   a walk-out staged by Kurdish MPs, who were   production, choosing the appropriate way
       as a researcher at the French Institute of   angered that Erbil is obliged to hand over an   of reservoir development, and ultimately
       Petroleum, according to the official.  unspecified amount of oil in exchange for   increasing the recovery factor of hydrocarbon
         The ministry has gone without a   funds- a clause they say was not in the original  reservoirs.
       permanent minister for over a year. PM   bill.                             MDP studies typically include the
       Barzani served as acting minister when his   RUDAW                       processing and interpretation of seismic
       government came to power, following Ashti                                data, complete studies of basic geology and
       Hawrami, who had served as minister since                                static modeling, complete studies of basic
       2006. Atroshi’s nomination comes at a crucial   OIL                      reservoir engineering, history matching
       time for the KRG, with a recent agreement                                and construction of dynamic simulation
       made between Erbil and Baghdad to end oil   Iran’s oil reserves in       models, preparation and implementation
       disputes.                                                                of production scenarios, and finally
         A KRG delegation led by Deputy PM   Persian Gulf increase              complete economic studies of the reservoir
       Qubad Talabani went to Baghdad early last                                development project.
       month amid rising tensions between the   Recent studies on the reservoirs of four   IOOC, a subsidiary of the National Iranian

       P22                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 01   06•January•2021
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