Page 23 - MEOG Week 01 2021
P. 23

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       Oil Company (NIOC), is one of the world’s   while West Texas crude dropped 90 cents to   to the SPM No. 1 of the South Pars Phase 12
       largest offshore oil-producing companies. The   reach $47.62 pb.         to be loaded for exports, and the second SPM
       company accounts for one-third of the Iranian   KUNA                     is also going to be connected to the site by a
       oil exports, operating on the Iranian side of                            36-inch subsea pipeline with a length of 6.8
       the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea.                                           km.
       TEHRAN TIMES                        GAS                                    The new SPM is also intended to increase
                                                                                the operational flexibility for gas condensate
       Kuwait oil minister expects  SPM to boost South Pars                     exports by making POGC able to carry out
                                                                                periodic facility repairs on both SPM systems,
       gradual recovery in oil             condensate exports                   and will also prevent the deterioration of
                                                                                condensate measuring and loading equipment
       demand                              Iran’s Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC),   by balancing the operational loads between
                                                                                the two systems.
                                           which is in charge of developing the country’s
       Kuwait’s oil minister said on Monday that he   giant South Pars gas field in the Persian Gulf,   In late December 2020, Iran inaugurated
       expects a gradual recovery in oil demand,   has installed a second single-point-mooring   its strategic gas condensate storage facilities
       particularly in the second half of 2021, as   (SPM) system at Site 2 of the mentioned field   in the South Pars region in a move to boost
       many countries around the world start to   to facilitate gas condensate exports from the   the storage and exports of the mentioned
       distribute coronavirus vaccines, state news   region.                    commodity.
       agency KUNA reported.                  According to the POGC office of Public   With a nominal capacity of 640,000 cubic
       REUTERS                             Relations, this SPM, with a loading capacity   meters (four million barrels), the mentioned
                                           of 7,000 cubic meters per hour of gas   storage facilities and gas condensate
       Kuwaiti oil up $2.11 per            condensate, was installed by the Sea Master   measuring stations have been constructed to
                                           Vessel in its designated place in the Persian
                                                                                store gas condensate produced by South Pars
       barrel                              Gulf waters on Monday.               refineries.
                                              With the installation of this new SPM
                                                                                  The mentioned storages are able to supply
       The price of Kuwaiti oil barrel rose $2.11   system, the construction and quality tests of   480,000 barrels of gas condensate to the
       to stand at $52.75 per barrel on Monday,   which were carried out by a foreign company   Persian Gulf Star Refinery on a daily basis and
       compared with $50.64 pb last Thursday, said   and was delivered to Iran in May 2020, the   also are able to send gas condensate to the
       Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) on   loading capacity of the gas condensate at the   mentioned SPM systems via pipelines.
       Tuesday.                            South Pars phases will increase significantly.  TEHRAN TIMES
         In international markets, Brent crude oil   Currently, the gas condensate produced at
       went down 71 cents to reach $51.09 per barrel,  Pars 2 region is sent through a subsea pipeline

       Week 01   06•January•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P23
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