Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            “The Chief transaction deepens our premium   president/COO, Steve Habachy, and CFO,
                                           inventory, allowing us to allocate additional   Drew Cozby.
       Petro-Hunt completes                capital toward our world class Marcellus   in less than six months, WildFire is fulfilling
                                                                                  “As the second major acquisition closed
                                           Shale position and accelerate returns for
       Delaware Basin acquisition          our shareholders. With the integration of   its vision as a lead consolidator in the eastern
                                                                                Eagle Ford. The drive and energy of our team
                                           these assets into our existing portfolio, we
       Petro-Hunt Permian, a fully owned subsidiary   look forward to generating greater free cash   has been relentless in boosting production,
       of Petro-Hunt, has completed the acquisition   flow, growing our dividend programs, and   identifying efficiencies, and growing the
       from APR Operating LLC (dba Admiral   improving our GHG emissions metrics as   contiguous acreage position. With an oil-
       Permian Resources) of predominantly   we continue to responsibly deliver reliable,   weighted asset and a core position in this part
       operated oil and gas production and leasehold   affordable, lower carbon energy in 2022 and   of the basin, we are well-positioned to acquire
       in Northwest Reeves and Northeast Culberson  beyond.”                    more value-accretive assets in our area,”
       Counties, Texas, in the Delaware Basin.  CHESAPEAKE ENERGY, March 09, 2022  said Steve Habachy, President and COO of
         Current gross operated production from                                 WildFire Energy.
       the assets being acquired is approximately   WildFire Energy announces     “With the closing of this strategic
       7,000 bpd and 100 mmcfper day on 21,430                                  acquisition, WildFire Energy will bring more
       net acres of leasehold. Petro-Hunt plans to   Eagle Ford acquisition of   barrels to market from a previously dormant
       commence an active development drilling                                  program at a crucial time for the world
       programme on these assets later this year.  MD America Energy            economy. In addition, with this adjacent
         Petro-Hunt is a privately owned                                        acquisition, WildFire will be able further
       exploration and production company   WildFire Energy, today announced the   leverage economies of scale optimising
       headquartered in Dallas, TX. Including   acquisition of approximately 45,000 net acres   production in an efficient and sustainable
       the acquired assets Petro-Hunt and its   and 200 operated wells in the East Texas Eagle   manner,” added WildFire Energy CEO,
       subsidiaries and affiliates’ current gross   Ford from MD America Energy. WildFire   Anthony Bahr.
       operated production capacity is approximately   funded the acquisition of MDAE with equity   Locke Lord LLP served as the legal
       57,000 bpd and 220 mmcf per day.    contributions from sponsors, Warburg Pincus   advisors for WildFire Energy.
       PETRO-HUNT, March 09, 2022          and Kayne Anderson, and the company’s   WILDFIRE ENERGY, March 07, 2022
                                           upsized revolving credit facility.
       Chesapeake Energy                   556 gross wells on 210,000 net acres in the   DOWNSTREAM
                                             With the acquisition, WildFire will operate
       Corporation completes               eastern Eagle Ford encompassing Burleson,   Cheniere and Engie
                                           Brazos, Robertson, Madison, Lee, and
       acquisition of Chief E&D            Grimes counties of Texas. With the addition   increase volume and
                                           of MDAE’s December 2021 production of
       Holdings and affiliates of          approximately 3,200 boepd (85% liquids), the   extend term of LNG sale and
                                           combined entity expects to produce ~16,000
       Tug Hill                            net boepd (91% liquids) in 2022.
                                             The MDAE acquisition follows WildFire’s
       Chesapeake Energy today announced it   successful acquisition of Hawkwood Energy,   purchase agreement
       has completed its previously announced   an independent exploration and production   Cheniere Energy announced today that its
       acquisition of Chief E&D Holdings and   company in August 2021.          subsidiary, Corpus Christi Liquefaction, has
       associated non-operated interests held by   WildFire Energy is an independent energy   agreed with Engie to amend the liquefied
       affiliates of Tug Hill.             platform company formed to acquire and   natural gas (LNG) sale and purchase
         Nick Dell’Osso, Chesapeake’s President   optimize production-weighted oil and gas   agreement (as amended, the SPA) the parties
       and Chief Executive Officer, commented,   assets and is led by CEO, Anthony Bahr,   previously entered into in June 2021.
                                                                                  Under the SPA, Engie has agreed to
                                                                                purchase approximately 0.9mn tonnes per
                                                                                annum of LNG from CCL on a free-on-board
                                                                                basis for a term of approximately 20 years,
                                                                                which began in September 2021. The purchase
                                                                                price for LNG under the SPA is indexed to the
                                                                                Henry Hub price, plus a fixed liquefaction fee.
                                                                                  “We are pleased to build upon the long-
                                                                                term agreement we signed in 2021 with Engie,
                                                                                one of Europe’s energy leaders in low carbon
                                                                                solutions, to increase the volume and extend
                                                                                the term beyond 2040,” said Jack Fusco,
                                                                                Cheniere’s president and chief executive
                                                                                officer. “This SPA reflects the importance
                                                                                of a diverse and reliable long-term supply
                                                                                of natural gas for Europe and reinforces the
                                                                                value the LNG market places in Cheniere’s

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   10•March•2022
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