Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       year ended December 31, 2020.       today launched the Aiming for Zero Methane   supplement methane emissions estimates
         Chief executive officer Anthony Gallegos   Emissions Initiative which calls for an all-in   with more monitoring and measurement
       commented, “ICD exited 2021 with all of   approach that treats oil and gas methane   technologies, and introduce new solutions to
       our operational and financial goals intact,   emissions as seriously as the industry already   avoid methane emissions. We welcome the
       and market conditions continue to improve   treats safety: aiming for zero and striving to   continued improvement of measurement,
       rapidly as the supply of pad-optimal super   do what is needed to get there.  reporting and verification (MRV)
       spec rigs has become quite tight. Looking   We recognise that eliminating methane   mechanisms.
       forward, although I expect the pace of rig   emissions from the upstream oil and gas   5. We support the implementation
       reactivations in the industry to slow compared  industry represents one of the best short-term   of sound regulations to tackle methane
       to 2021 levels, dayrate momentum in 2022   opportunities for contributing to climate   emissions and encourage governments to
       continues to accelerate. Because we have   change mitigation and for advancing the goals   include methane emissions reduction targets
       intentionally favored short-term pad-to-  of the Paris Agreement.        as part of their climate strategies.
       pad contracts in this improving operating   The initiative is already supported by the   This leadership initiative supplements
       environment, ICD is very well positioned   CEOs of Aramco, bp, Chevron, CNPC, Eni,   important multi-stakeholder initiatives, such
       to quickly see the results from these market   Equinor, ExxonMobil, Occidental,?Petrobras,   as the Methane Guiding Principles, the Oil
       improvements. Based upon signed contracts   Repsol, Shell and TotalEnergies. OGCI   and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 and the
       we have in hand today, we expect to see   encourages all oil and gas companies to join   Global Methane Alliance.
       significant sequential improvements in   them in this approach.            OGCI has already taken significant action
       revenue and margin per day in both the   Signatories to Aiming for Zero Methane   to reduce methane emissions, setting targets,
       first and second quarters of 2022 and are   Emissions Initiative believe that virtually   developing and deploying technologies and
       optimistic regarding further improvements   all methane emissions from the industry   participating in multi-stakeholder initiatives
       during the back half of the year.”  can and should be avoided, building on the   to raise awareness and improve practices. The
       INDEPENDENCE CONTRACT DRILLING, March   following:                       member companies have reported collective
       07, 2022                               1. We will strive to reach near zero   progress on methane since 2017 and have
                                           methane emissions from our operated oil and   reduced their aggregate absolute methane
                                           gas assets by 2030, and we will encourage our   emissions by more than 30% in the last five
       ENERGY TRANSITION                   partners to achieve similar results.  years.
                                              2. We will put in place all reasonable means   THE OIL AND GAS CLIMATE INITIATIVE, March
       OGCI members aim for zero           to avoid methane venting and flaring, and   08, 2022
                                           to repair detected leaks, while preserving
       methane emissions from oil          the safety of people and the integrity of
       and gas operations by 2030          transparently on their methane emissions.
                                              3. Signatories will report annually and
       The Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI)   4. As technology evolves, we will

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   10•March•2022
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