Page 11 - DMEA Week 08 2023
P. 11

DMEA                                      PETROCHEMICALS                                              DMEA

       China considers investments in

       Mahshahr petrochemical zone

        IRAN              CHINESE investors visited Iran’s Mahshahr  provide $300-400bn in foreign direct investment
                          Petrochemical Special Economic Zone (MSEZ)  (FDI) to the Iranian oil, gas and petrochemical
                          last week to discuss plans to invest $50mn into  industries.
                          the area to build a carbon-sulphur production   According to the co-operation plan, China
                          plant. During the visit, existing infrastructure  will invest $400bn in Iran’s economy in exchange
                          was inspected and meetings were held with the  for steady and heavily discounted supplies of oil.
                          current CEOs of the MSEZ, including managers  A 2019 report by the Petroleum Economist said:
                          of the Razi petrochemical company.   “China will be able to buy any and all Iranian oil,
                            Points raised in the talks included feedstock  gas and petrochemical products at a minimum
                          requirements for the investment plan and the  guaranteed discount of 12% to the six-month
                          general feasibility of the of the project in the  rolling mean price of comparable benchmark
                          region. The visit follows Iranian President Ebra-  products, plus another 6% to 8% of that metric
                          him Raisi’s recent trip to China, and the pro-  for risk-adjusted compensation.”
                          posed investments are emblematic of the two   Rumours that Iranian islands were to be
                          countries’ 25-year co-operation plan, first pro-  leased to China as part of the deal have been
                          posed by Chinese leader Xi Jinping in 2016 and  categorically denied. The spokesman for the Ira-
                          signed in 2021.                      nian foreign ministry said: “There is no handing
                            Around 2012, China owed Iran over $20bn in  over of the Iranian islands, no presence of mili-
                          oil payments; however, US sanctions at the time  tary forces and no other illusions.” Officials also
                          made transfers of money to Tehran from Beijing  denied discounted Iranian oil and petrochemical
                          difficult. The 25-year plan saw China agree to  sales to China.™

       Gulf investors may buy a minority stake

       in merged Egyptian petrochem company

        EGYPT            GULF investors have expressed interest in  currently owns 20% of Ethydco, making it the
                         buying a minority stake in the merged entity  second-largest shareholder in the company,
                         between two local petrochemical firms, Sidi  whose other shareholders are state-owned firms
                         Kerir Petrochemicals (Sidpec) and the Egyptian  and financial institutions.
                         Ethylene and Derivatives Company (Ethydco)   Ethydco was established in 2011 and capi-
                         that was included in the government’s privatisa-  talised at $1.9bn to produce linear low and high
                         tion programme last week.            density polyethylene and polybutadiene. Last
                         AL Mal newspaper reported citing high-level  year, Sidpec expressed an interest in fully acquir-
                         sources in the know. The size of the stake on offer  ing Ethydco through a share swap to create a
                         is 16-20% in the merged entity. Majority state-  petrochemicals leader in Africa and the Middle
                         owned, Egyptian Stock Exchange-listed Sidpec  East.  ™

       Week 08   23•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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