Page 14 - DMEA Week 08 2023
P. 14

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

                                                                                swap agreement under which Iran annually
                                                                                delivers 1.5 to 2 billion cubic meters (bcm) of
                                                                                Turkmen gas to Azerbaijan.
                                                                                  This agreement has revived political and
                                                                                economic relations between Tehran and
                                                                                Ashgabat as the two countries had been in
                                                                                dispute over price issues related to a previous
                                                                                gas agreement. In 2016, Ashgabat claimed that
                                                                                Tehran should have paid $1.5 billion for gas
                                                                                it supplied from Turkmenistan, but Iranian
                                                                                authorities have disputed the figure. In 2017,
                                                                                Turkmenistan halted gas deliveries to Iran due
       enable Sasol to meet the need for sustainable   expanding economic cooperation, primarily   to a debt scandal.
       chemicals and energy solutions to decarbonise  in the spheres of energy, transport and   CASPIAN NEWS
       its business, communities and markets it   transit. Meredow said that he was in favor of
       serves globally.”                   developing the trade and economic relations
         It’s not huge by global standards, but much   between the two countries in the context of   FUELS
       of it will be presumably invested in South   regional integration,” the Turkmen Foreign
       Africa’s economy, which needs every drop   Ministry reported on February 15.  Iran to boost LPG, propane,
       of investment that falls its way. And venture   Discussing the development of trade and
       capital private equity financing for risky   economic cooperation, they noted positive   butane exports from South
       projects is a rare species in South Africa.  dynamics in the growth of trade between the
       DAILY MAVERICK                      countries, and stressed the importance of   Pars
                                           giving impetus to increasing mutual trade in
                                           order to realize the existing solid potential.  The engineering director of the South Pars
       REFINING                               On February 6, Meredow and Iranian   Gas Complex stated that the preparations
                                           Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular,   for equipping the LPG export jetty for the
       Iran ready to build                 Parliamentary and Iranian Expatriate   National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) in
                                           Affairs Alireza Bigdeli discussed closer
                                                                                South Pars have been put on the agenda,
       refineries for Turkmenistan         cooperation in electricity, transport and oil   adding that with its completion, the export of
                                                                                liquified petroleum gas (LPG), propane and
                                           and gas sectors within the 15th session of
       Iran’s Deputy Minister of Oil for Engineering,   the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Iranian   butane in this complex will accelerate.
       Research and Technology Vahidreza   Commission on Consular, Border and     Seyyed Mehdi Shafiei Motahar said:
       Zeydifard has said that Tehran is ready to   Customs Affairs in the Turkmen capital of   “With the presence of a group of managers
       build oil refineries in the Central Asian   Ashgabat.                    and experts of the Iranian Gas Engineering
       country.                               Earlier, the Turkmen foreign minister met   and Development Company, preparations
         “Iran is ready to build oil refineries for   visiting Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister   were made to equip the export jetty for LPG,
       Turkmenistan, develop oil and gas fields   for Economic Affairs Mehdi Safari, and the   propane and butane for NIGC in South Pars
       together and supply the other country with   two sides discussed “a wide range of issues   region.”
       equipment of competitive quality at affordable   of bilateral cooperation in the political,   He added: “In the visit and specialized
       prices,” Zeydifard said on February 20 at a   diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural and   meeting, which was attended by the special
       meeting in Ashgabat between visiting Iranian   humanitarian spheres”.    representative of the international affairs
       oil and gas officials and their Turkmen   During the talks held on January   department of NIGC, experts of the special
       counterparts as part of a trade show featuring   9, the importance of the work of the   region and the National Petrochemical
       Iranian goods, Turkmen news website Orient.  intergovernmental Turkmen-Iranian   Company (NPC), the most important
       tm reported.                        commission for economic cooperation   solutions and specialized cases for the start
         He said that over 70% of the equipment   was addressed. The meeting’s agenda   of equipping the export jetty of NIGC were
       that Iran used in its oil and gas sector was   also examined prospects for developing   presented and reviewed.”
       manufactured in the country itself and   cooperation in the fuel and energy sector,   The engineering director of South Pars
       therefore it could export such equipment to   building up transport and transit potential.  Gas Complex stated: “Feasibility cases and
       Turkmenistan.                          In June 2022, the Iranian and Turkmen   roadmap for equipping and constructing a
         At the end of the meeting, officials agreed   presidents signed a series of documents   new LPG pipeline, in line with the timely
       that the Turkmen side would send Iranian   ranging from finance to energy. The package   export of products and reducing the time
       colleagues a list of needed equipment through   of nine Memoranda of Understanding   required for berthing and loading the
       diplomatic channels.                included bilateral cooperation in the   vessels, were presented and compiled by the
         Last week, Turkmen Deputy Prime   spheres of investment, transport, transit,   engineering management of South Pars Gas
       Minister and Foreign Minister Rashid   environmental protection, TV and radio, as   Complex.”
       Meredow held talks with an Iranian delegation  well as trade, economic, scientific, technical,   Shafiei noted: “By speeding up the
       led by Iranian Minister of Cooperatives, Labor  and cultural areas between several provinces   operation of equipping this export jetty,
       and Social Welfare Solat Mortazavi to discuss   of the two countries.    export of strategic items from South Pars Gas
       developing economic and trade cooperation.  In November 2021, Iran, Turkmenistan,   Complex will accelerate in the near future and
         “During the talks, the ministers discussed   as well as Azerbaijan signed a natural gas   bring prosperity to the country’s economy.”

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 08   23•February•2023
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