Page 4 - GLNG Week 49 2022
P. 4
Eni proposes for
another FLNG offshore
COMMENTARY The government of Mozambique recently cel- delivery achieved with the Coral Sul platform
ebrated the launch of the country’s first LNG and government support,” he stated. “We will
cargo with a ceremony marking the inaugura- continue to work closely with partners and the
tion of the Coral Sul floating LNG (FLNG) unit, government to assess all possible options for fur-
the vessel that Eni (Italy) and its partners in the ther developments.”
Coral South LNG consortium used to process
and load natural gas for export. Focus on Rovuma LNG
The ceremony was attended by Mozambique’s Nyusi, for his part, confirmed to Africa-Press
President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi and Energy and that the parties were in discussions on the matter.
Mineral Resources Carlos Zacarias, as well as Neither Brusco nor the Mozambican pres-
Guido Brusco, Eni’s COO for natural resources. ident said so explicitly, but the reference to
It took place onshore in Pemba, a port town in “onshore developments” indicates that Eni and
Cabo Delgado Province, after the departure of Maputo are looking for ways to jump-start the
the first LNG cargo from the Coral Sul FLNG on Rovuma LNG project. (Eni is a shareholder in
November 13. both projects; it is the operator of Coral South
According to a statement published by Eni on LNG and a non-operating partner in Rovuma
November 23, Nyusi spoke with representatives LNG, which is led by the US super-major
of Eni on the sidelines of the ceremony about ExxonMobil.)
“the possibility of replicating the success of the That is, the parties are not trying to expand
Coral South project with further FLNG develop- the capacity of Coral South LNG, which never
ment, as well as other onshore projects.” had an onshore component. Instead, they are
It was not immediately clear what the Italian trying to make up for some of the time that
major meant by this. That is, the statement did Rovuma LNG has lost because of security con-
not specify whether Nyusi had been referring to ditions in Cabo Delgado.
previous remarks by Eni’s CEO Claudio Descalzi In that province, attacks carried out by
about installing medium-scale modular gas liq- Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamo (ASWJ), a group said
uefaction units at Coral South LNG’s licence area to be connected to Islamic State (Daesh), have
to ramp up production capacity or to something already led TotalEnergies (France) to halt
else. work on the onshore complex that will anchor
However, Brusco offered some hints as to its Mozambique LNG project, and it remains
what Eni might have in mind. Africa-Press to be seen when construction will resume. In
quoted him as saying on the sidelines of the turn, TotalEnergies’ woes have led ExxonMobil
November 23 ceremony that the company was to delay a final investment decision (FID) on
in discussions with Mozambique’s government Rovuma LNG. This is largely because the project
on implementing an FLNG solution for “onshore is, like Mozambique LNG, based on the idea of
developments” that have been delayed because of extracting large volumes of gas offshore and then
the security situation in Cabo Delgado Province. piping it to shore for processing and loading on
“What is clear is that we need to act quickly. tankers for export.
Everything is in place to achieve this goal. We In other words, it too would require the con-
have proven reserves, proven technology, a struction of an onshore facility, and therefore
strong and committed team, track record of it too would be vulnerable to onshore security
P4 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 49 08•December•2022