Page 9 - GLNG Week 49 2022
P. 9

GLNG                                           AMERICAS                                               GLNG

       Atlantic LNG shareholders

       strike deal on shareholder


        OWNERSHIP        PARTNERS in Atlantic LNG, the operator of a  CIC had held about 10% of equity in Atlantic
                         gas liquefaction plant in Trinidad and Tobago,  LNG’s first production train, and since this unit
                         have finally reached an agreement on the  is expected to remain offline for the time being,
                         reorganisation of ownership structures in the  it is not a major driver of the group’s operational
                         facility’s production trains after four years of  plans.
                         negotiations.                          The reshuffle has been hailed by Trinidad
                           The new deal between the parties serves  and Tobago’s government, with officials in Port
                         to dissolve the old arrangement under which  of Spain pointing out that the new ownership
                         Atlantic LNG split equity in each production  structure is more streamlined and also likely to
                         train among a different group of investors.  generate more budget revenue. Prime Minister
                         Instead, it consolidates all four of the joint ven-  Keith Rowley has also noted that the govern-
                         tures and brings the production trains into a  ment will be able to market its own LNG on a
                         single unitised entity with a common ownership  global basis once the reorganisation is complete.
                         structure and commercial framework.    Eugene Okpere, Shell’s senior vice president
                           As a result of this consolidation, Atlantic  and country chair for Trinidad and Tobago, also
                         LNG’s two biggest shareholders, BP (UK) and  expressed satisfaction with the new agreement.
                         Shell (UK), will see their holdings in two of the  He said he believed the deal would clear up
                         plant’s production trains shrink. However, the  uncertainty about Atlantic LNG’s future, thereby
                         companies will continue to hold equity stakes in  removing obstacles to firms that are ready to
                         the second, third and fourth trains of the facility.  invest billions of dollars in gas exploration and
                           Meanwhile, Trinidad and Tobago’s National  production in Trinidad and Tobago.
                         Gas Co. (NGC) will see its holdings in Atlan-  For instance, he speculated, it could help
                         tic LNG expand under the agreement. State-  attract investors to Manatee, Trinidad and
                         owned NGC had previously held stakes in only  Tobago’s section of a gas field that straddles the
                         two trains, but it has now gained stakes in the  maritime boundary with neighbouring Ven-
                         other two trains as well as a consequence of the  ezuela. Manatee holds about 2.7 trillion cubic
                         consolidation.                       feet (76.46bn cubic metres) of gas and is part of
                           For its part, the deal acknowledges that Chi-  a larger structure, Loran/Manatee, that holds
                         nese Investment Co. (CIC) will not play an active  another 7.3 tcf (206.7 bcm) of gas on the Vene-
                         role in the shareholder reorganisation process.  zuelan side of the border.™

       Week 49  08•December•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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