Page 13 - MEOG Week 22 2022
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              lasted for more than five hours, reports Al-Rai  OIL
                                           daily quoting sources.
       Iran oil minister meets             proposal to obtain licenses for certain workers   Iran claims capacity
                                             Sources revealed the board approved the
       Kazakhstan energy minister          after reviewing the rules and regulations, as   increase but data shows
                                           well as the report of the delegated members in
       in Baku                             this regard. Sources affirmed the proposal has   otherwise
                                           been forwarded to Deputy Prime Minister,
       Iranian Oil Minister, Javad Owji, met   Minister of Oil, State Minister for Cabinet   Iran’s oil minister claimed Thursday that both
       with Kazakhstan Energy Minister, Bulat   Affairs and Board Chairman Dr Muhammad   crude and natural gas production capacity
       Aqchulaqov, on Thursday on the sidelines of   Al-Fares for final approval.  has increased, amid anticipated energy price
       Baku Energy Forum. The two sides discussed   Sources said the board also tackled the   problems for the world.
       bilateral cooperation in oil industry’s   lack of liquidity to pay the loan of Vietnam   Minister Javad Owji who was attending
       upstream and downstream sectors and various  refinery, as it was agreed with the partners to   the Baku Energy Forum in Azerbaijan said
       energy trade. They also emphasized the great   postpone the payment due on Tuesday until   that daily oil production capacity has reached
       potentials for joint cooperation in different oil   November.            4 million barrels and gas production capacity
       and gas areas and talked about their various   Sources clarified the creditors understand   stands at one billion cubic meters.
       capacities for collaboration.       the refinery’s liquidity crisis, considering it   However, the concept of production
         Iran’s Oil Minister is in Azerbaijan to   has started operating with good profitability;   capacity does not mean the practical ability to
       participate in Baku Energy Week and hold   hence, there is a bigger chance it can pay in   actually reach the full limit. For example, Iran
       talks with officials attending the three-day   November.                 formally says its electricity generation capacity
       international event.                  The board talked about the challenges and   is 85,000 megawatt hours a day, but its real
         The events are held on June 1-3, 2022   obstacles that Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)   production is around 55,000, with regular
       with the support of the Ministry of Energy   is facing in increasing oil production in   shortages and blackouts during peak winter
       of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State   accordance with its strategy and increasing   and summer seasons.
       Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan   the price of a barrel of oil; especially since the   After the Russian invasion of Ukraine,
       (SOCAR). The Caspian Oil and Gas    company has looked into the most serious   Iranian officials have been periodically hinting
       Exhibition is the first exhibition held since the   obstacles to achieving its goals internally or   at the need for Iran’s oil and gas, considering
       independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan   externally. KOC officials have attributed the   current high prices and Europe’s quest to
       annually in which over 250 companies of the   external challenges to several factors like the   reduce imports from Russia.
       world will take part.               restrictions imposed by regulatory authorities   Iran is currently producing around 2.5
       SHANA                               that slowed down the completion of its   million barrels of oil per day, exporting just
                                           projects, sources disclosed.         under one million barrels and consuming
                                             Sources said the board will hold another   most of the rest. Without United States
       COMPANIES                           meeting with KOC officials to discuss possible   sanctions on Iran’s oil exports Iran could
                                           solutions, including the possibility of using   perhaps produce another one million barrels
       KPC approves proposal to            a specialized external team to re-evaluate   per, as was the case in 2017 before the
                                           capabilities. However, it seems this proposal
                                                                                sanctions, when its production was around
       obtain licences for workers         will most likely be rejected as it happened   3.5 million barrels and exports just above 2
                                           earlier in the northern fields, sources added.
       The Board of Directors of Kuwait Petroleum   ARAB TIMES                    Recently announced figures by the head of
       Corporation (KPC) discussed three main                                   Iran’s natural gas distribution system indicate
       issues in its recently concluded meeting that                            that a little over 700 million cubic meters of

       Week 22   01•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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