Page 14 - MEOG Week 22 2022
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       gas daily was used domestically. Considering   (ADX symbol: ADNOCDRILL / ISIN:   independent leg cantilever rigs.
       that the country has no natural gas exports,   AEA007301012) today announced it has   In March 2022, it was announced that
       one can assume that this volume is what it   signed a sale and purchase agreement (SPA)   ADNOC Drilling would become an inaugural
       produces.                           to acquire an additional two premium   member of FADX 15, a new tradable
         The oil minister’s claim of a one-billion-  offshore jack-up drilling units. The investment   index created by ADX and FTSE Russell,
       cubic-meter production capacity cannot be   is central to the Company’s enterprising   marking another significant milestone in the
       substantiated as according to the same report,   expansion strategy and forms part of its three-  Company’s history. The index is uniquely
       Iran just managed to supply its domestic   year guidance on capital expenditure.   designed by ADX and FTSE Russell to track
       market and had no additional production.  ADNOC Drilling’s fast-tracked fleet   the performance of the most liquid and largest
         The oil minister’s claim also comes at the   expansion program keeps the Company   companies on the ADX main market.
       backdrop of his own admission last November   firmly on its growth trajectory as it enables   ADNOC DRILLING
       that Iran needs upwards of $160 billion   ADNOC’s ambitious targets to deliver 5
       in investments just to keep its oil and gas   million bpd production capacity and realize   Oil plus wins Qatar
       industries from further decay after decades of   gas self-sufficiency for the UAE, while
       negligible attention.               increasing potential for greater shareholder   produced water projects
         No substantial investment has been made   returns.
       in the natural gas sector since the French Total   Abdulrahman Abdullah Al Seiari, Chief   Oil Plus Ltd has secured two produced water
       pulled out of a $5 billion deal when the Trump  Executive Officer of ADNOC Drilling,   related projects in Qatar worth a total of
       administration appeared ready to impose   commented: “We are extremely pleased to   (USD) $450,000. The independent global
       sanctions on Iran. Even the Chinese are not   have completed the acquisition of these two   oilfield solutions expert will deliver a Pre-
       active despite repeated claims that they would   premium rigs, which will further bolster   FEED oil and water analysis for Qatar Energy,
       develop the country’s energy sector.  our position as a regional drilling leader and   and a water injection study and systems
         Without a comprehensive deal with the   complement our already high quality offshore   optimisation review for North Oil Company
       United States to resolve differences, no serious   jack-up fleet. This is another important step   (NOC).
       international investor would commit to the   in our fast-paced expansion and growth   The UK headquartered business specialises
       Iranian market.                     program, ensuring we meet increasing   in water treatment design, troubleshooting
         If a nuclear agreement is achieved, which   demand as we enable ADNOC’s ambitious oil   and the prediction and control of corrosion,
       increasingly looks unlikely, what Tehran could   and gas production capacity growth as well as   fouling and reservoir souring, as well as asset
       benefit from is lifting of oil export sanctions   achieving gas self-sufficiency for the UAE. In   integrity management services. It employs
       and some ease in banking relations with the   addition to ADNOC Drilling’s commitment   around 55 staff and contractors including
       world. But doubts will remain on the part of   to continuously deliver strong shareholder   highly experienced production chemists and
       investors as any geopolitical incident or flare   returns. The new drilling units will join the   process engineers to support accurate data
       up of tensions led by Iran in the region can set   ADNOC Drilling fleet and start operations in   collection and analysis for evidence-based
       back economic cooperation plans.    the third quarter 2022, enabling considerable   interpretation by its experts.
       IRAN INTL                           revenue for ADNOC Drilling to the benefit of   To support the life extension and
                                           our investors and the United Arab Emirates.”  redevelopment of two of Qatar Energy’s oil
                                              Since listing on the Abu Dhabi Securities   fields, which includes the design of a new
       SERVICES                            Exchange in October 2021, ADNOC Drilling   platform and processing facilities, Oil Plus will
                                           has expanded its fleet from 96 to 104 owned   verify the characteristics of produced water
       ADNOC Drilling adds more            rigs, at 31 March, 2022. This acquisition   from both developments. This will include
                                           cements the Company’s position as the largest
                                                                                its team carrying out on-site laboratory
       rigs                                national drilling company in the Middle   investigation analysis and office-based study
                                                                                reviews to establish and recommend the most
                                           East by rig fleet size, with further plans for
       Bold rig fleet expansion program advancing   expansion supported by a significant capital   suitable produced water treatment system to
       at pace as owned fleet grows further with the   expenditure program.     be built to meet disposal specifications in the
       addition of two premium jack-up rigs   The two new drilling units, being acquired   region.
         ADNOC Drilling Company PJSC       from Well Target Five Limited and Well Target   For NOC, it will review and asses all
       (ADNOC Drilling or the Company”)    Six Limited, are Gusto MSC design, premium   water injection trains for the Al-Shaheen

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   01•June•2022
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