Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 15 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                       NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                        LatAmOil

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  means of decarbonising some of the country’s
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  most carbon-intensive industries.
                         our team of international editors, who provide a
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  FSU OGM: Russia slashes fossil fuel
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new   forecasts
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline  Russia has slashed its forecasts for oil, gas and
                         link for each section the full text will be available  coal production in 2021 and 2022, taking into
                         as before.                           account the pandemic’s impact, OPEC+ quotas
                                                              and lower commodity prices. The government
                         AfrOil: New agreements clear the way for   now projects that oil output will reach 517mn
                         EACOP                                tonnes (10.4mn barrels per day), versus a previ-
                         The governments of Uganda and Tanzania have  ous projection of 11.25mn bpd.
                         joined representatives of France’s Total and
                         China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) in  GLNG: India’s first FSRU arrives at
                         finalising host government agreements (HGAs)  Jaigarh terminal
                         for the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)  India’s first floating storage and regasification
                         project.                             unit (FSRU) has arrived in the country. The
                                                              Höegh Giant sailed from Keppel Shipyard in
                         AsianOil: Eni adds Block 115/09 to    Singapore, berthing at H-Energy’s Jaigarh termi-
                         Vietnamese portfolio                 nal in Maharashtra on April 12. The FSRU has
                         Italian major Eni has closed its acquisition of  a storage capacity of 170,000 cubic metres and
                         Singaporean independent KrisEnergy’s 100%  installed regasification capacity of 750mn cubic
                         stake in Block 115/09 offshore Vietnam. Eni said  feet (21mn cubic metres) per day.
                         on April 12 that the acquisition further strength-
                         ened its presence in the Southeast Asian country,  MEOG: Sealed deal and IPO plans
                         “consolidating its position in the recently dis-  Aramco and ADNOC took centre stage this
                         covered Ken Bau-like play,” while furthering its  week as a deal was finally agreed for the sale and
                         efforts to expand its Asian gas portfolio.  lease back of Saudi oil pipelines while the Emi-
                                                              rati firm considers an IPO of its drilling arm. The
                         DMEA: Refineries under fire again    Saudi firm agreed a multi-billion-dollar deal
                         Yemen’s Houthi militia this week claimed  with a group of investors to sell and lease back
                         another attack on Saudi Arabian oil infrastruc-  a stake in its oil pipelines business that values
                         ture, this time targeting Aramco facilities at  the newly formed Aramco Oil Pipelines Co. at
                         Jeddah and Jubail. Just a day after Aramco had  around $25bn.
                         announced a deal for the lease of its oil pipeline
                         network, the Houthis struck at dawn in a retali-  NorthAmOil: A boost for Dakota Access
                         atory move against the Saudi-led military cam-  pipeline
                         paign in Yemen.                      The Dakota Access oil pipeline received a boost
                                                              last week, when the administration of US Pres-
                         EurOil: Equinor backs world’s first    ident Joe Biden said it would not force the pipe-
                         hydrogen power plant                 line to be shut down while federal regulators
                         Norwegian oil firm Equinor and UK utility  carry out a new environmental review on the
                         SSE have teamed up to develop what would be  project. The fight over Dakota Access’ future
                         the world’s first hydrogen-fired power plant in  continues, with opponents of the project await-
                         northern England. The UK government is push-  ing a court ruling that could still result in the
                         ing for large-scale hydrogen development as a  pipeline being shut down. ™

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       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 15   15•April•2021
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