Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 15 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Costayaco Oilfield (100% WI): In March 2021,
       Gran Tierra commenced its infill development
       drilling campaign to drill three oil producers;
       this drilling programme is the first in Costayaco
       since November 2019.
         The CYC-42 infill oil well was drilled during
       the first quarter of 2021 with indications of high
       quality reservoir in the U, T, and Caballos Sands
       based on well logs, with potential prospectivity in
       the M2 Carbonate; the CYC-42 well was drilled
       in 12.1 days at a cost of $1.9mn, a 30% decrease
       from the last 4 wells drilled in Costayaco.
         Currently, the CYC-43 infill well is being
       drilled and is expected be cased and cemented
       on or around April 12, 2021. The CYC-44 infill
       well is expected to spud on or around May 15,  the SELIC rate from December 31, 2020, until  from the offering of the Notes to purchase a por-
       2021                                the payment date on April 29, 2021. Until today  tion of the 2024 Notes and for general corporate
         All three wells are expected to be on produc-  (April 14, 2021) this represented an increase of  purposes.
       tion by the end of the second quarter of 2021.  BRL0.004566 per share, resulting in a total value   GeoPark, April 14 2021
       Workovers on six producing wells were com-  of BRL0.792012 per share.
       pleted during the first quarter of 2021, with oil   The payment of said dividend will take place
       production restored and ramping back up.  on April 29, 2021 and the shareholders will be  LEGAL
         Moqueta Oilfield (100% WI): During  entitled to this dividend as follows:
       Q2-2021, Gran Tierra plans a five-well work-  1. The record date for owners of Petrobras   Petrobras comments
       over programme, which is expected to consist  shares traded on the B3 will be April 14, 2021
       of one workover and one stimulation to restore  and for holders of American Depositary Receipts   on Gaspetro’s exit
       production, and also three injector conversions  (ADRs) traded on the New York Stock Exchange
       to further optimise the waterflood and increase  (NYSE) will be April 16, 2021.  from Gasmar
       production in the second half of 2021.  2. Petrobras’ shares will be traded ex-divi-
         Suroriente Block (52% WI and Operator): At  dends on B3 and NYSE as of April 15, 2021.  Petrobras informs that it has entered into,
       the Cohembi oilfield in the Suroriente Block, a   Petrobras, April 14 2021  together with its subsidiary Petrobras Gás (Gas-
       facility expansion programme is progressing as                           petro), an instrument of transaction to put an
       planned, which is expected to allow additional   GeoPark announces       end of a pending legal dispute with Termogás.
       production to be brought online in the second                            This instrument allows Termogás to acquire
       half of 2021.                       proposed offering                    shares of Companhia Maranhense de Gás (Gas-
         A workover rig is expected to move to the                              mar) held by Gaspetro, which corresponds to
       Suroriente Block in mid-April 2021, where it   of senior notes           23.5% of the total capital stock. Termogás is
       is expected to accelerate the running of larger                          already a shareholder of Gasmar, with 51% of
       pumps in 2 oil wells and to restore production  GeoPark, an exempted company incorporated  its total capital stock, in addition to the Govern-
       in three additional oil wells that are currently off   under the laws of Bermuda, today announced  ment of Maranhão State, which holds 25.5%.
       line.                               that it intends to offer senior notes in a private   The acquisition price for the Gasmar Stake
       Gran Tierra Energy, April 13 2021   placement to qualified institutional buyers in  held by Gaspetro is BRL59.1mn, subject to the
                                           accordance with Rule 144A under the Securities  usual adjustments for transactions of this nature,
                                           Act of 1933, as amended, and outside the United  to be received by Gaspetro on the closing date
       FINANCIAL                           States to non-US persons in accordance with  of the transaction. The closing is subject to
                                           Regulation S under the Securities Act.  compliance with precedent conditions, such as
       Petrobras approves                  viously issued $350mn aggregate principal  Shareholders’ Agreement and approval by the
                                              The Notes constitute a reopening of pre-
                                                                                the fulfillment of obligations under Gasmar’s
       dividend payment at                 amount of the Company’s 5.500% Notes due  Administrative Council for Economic Defense
                                           2027, which are fully and unconditionally guar-
       annual general meeting              anteed jointly and severally by GeoPark Chile   Gasmar is a mixed economy company that
                                           SpA and GeoPark Colombia S.L.U. The timing  holds the concession, with exclusivity, to provide
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  of pricing and terms of the Notes are subject to  the services of distribution and commercialisa-
       on February 24, 2021, informs that, in a meet-  market conditions and other factors.  tion of piped natural gas in the entire territory of
       ing held today, the Annual General Meeting   Concurrent with the announcement of this  Maranhão State.
       approved the proposal for allocation of the  proposed offering of Notes, the Company has   Termogás is responsible for several undertak-
       2020 fiscal year results forwarded by the Board  announced that it is making a cash tender offer  ings in the energy, infrastructure and natural gas
       of Directors, of remuneration to sharehold-  to purchase a portion of the Company’s out-  sectors. One of these enterprises is Gasmar, in
       ers in the form of dividends in the amount of  standing 6.500% Senior Notes due 2024 and a  which Termogás holds 51% of its total capital,
       BRL10.272bn, corresponding to BRL0.787446  consent solicitation to amend the terms of the  owning 28% of the common shares and 74% of
       per outstanding common and preferred share.  indenture for the 2024 Notes.  the preferred shares issued by Gasmar.
         This value will be updated by the variation of   The Company intends to use the net proceeds   Petrobras, April 09 2021

       Week 15   15•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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