Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 15 2021
P. 10

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                                            Brazil’s president has expressed strong interest in fuel price caps (Photo: Petrobras)

       Shareholders approve Luna’s

       nomination as Petrobras CEO

                         SHAREHOLDERS in Petrobras, the national oil   from his traditional right-leaning, market-ori-
                         company (NOC) of Brazil, formally approved   ented stance. The president has been looking for
                         the nomination of Joaquim Silva e Luna as the   ways to give his administration more leverage
                         firm’s next CEO in a meeting on April 12.  over fuel pricing, and he began trying to change
                           This outcome of the vote at the shareholders   the fuel tax regime earlier this year. He has also
                         meeting was not a surprise, given that Petrobras   declared his desire to see domestic petroleum
                         is majority-owned by the Brazilian government   product prices, which were deregulated nearly
                         and Luna was chosen for the position of CEO by   20 years ago, capped.
                         President Jair Bolsonaro. Luna has yet to secure   These moves have drawn sharp criticism
                         the approval of Petrobras’ board of directors, but   from Roberto Castello Branco, Petrobras’ for-
                         he is likely to do so in the near future.  mer CEO. Castello Branco made his opposition
                           In the meantime, Carlos Alberto de Oliveira,   to proposed changes in pricing policy clear and
                         the company’s head of exploration and produc-  asserted repeatedly that Petrobras was not at
                         tion, will serve as interim CEO.     fault for the rising cost of diesel and other fuels.
                           Bolsonaro’s decision to name Luna, a reserve   In response, Bolsonaro opted not to renew the
                         army general and former defence minister, as   CEO’s contract, which expired on March 31.
                         the NOC’s next CEO has been controversial.   The president’s dismissal of Castello Branco
                         Luna has no experience in the oil and gas sector,   has spurred a certain amount of discontent
                         and he has said he will follow the president’s lead   among Petrobras’ managers and executives,
                         on key issues such as fuel pricing policy.  many of whom have expressed support for his
                           This deference has sparked concern among   business strategy. Several members of the NOC’s
                         investors, since Bolsonaro has signalled in   board of directors resigned in March to protest
                         recent months that he may be moving away   against Luna’s appointment as CEO. ™

       Petrobras signs deal with government

       on stakes in Sépia and Atapu blocks

                         BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro-  According to a company statement, this
                         bras has signed an agreement with the govern-  agreement provides for Petrobras to assume a
                         ment on the size of the stakes it will take in the   39.5% stake in Atapu, leaving a 60.5% stake for a
                         Sépia and Atapu blocks in the event that federal   new contractor under such circumstances. Like-
                         authorities receive any bids for these two off-  wise, it provides for the NOC to take 31.3% of
                         shore sites.                         Sépia, leaving 68.7% for a new contractor..

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 15   15•April•2021
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