Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 15 2021
P. 7

LatAmOil                               TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO                                         LatAmOil

                         The minister did not specify how much money   Leladharsingh did not say when the CBRC
                         he expected the sale of Petrotrin to raise, but he   might make a decision about responding to the
                         did indicate that he believed the deal would ben-  upcoming RfP.
                         efit the country’s economy.            The government of Trinidad and Tobago
                           “This government is adamant about restart-  has been trying to sell the Petrotrin refinery for
                         ing the refinery because it can create jobs,   some time. It began negotiations with Patriotic
                         economic activity, [and] multiplier effects –   Energies and Technologies Co., a subsidiary of
                         and, most importantly, it will create foreign   the Oilfields Workers’ Trade Union (OWTU),
                         exchange,” he said.                  which represents local oil and gas workers, in
                                                              2019. However, it was never satisfied with Patri-
                         Expression of interest               otic’s offer and decided earlier this year to aban-
                         The sale has already drawn the attention of the   don its first privatisation campaign.
                         Confederation of Regional Business Chambers   Petrotrin is currently owned by a govern-
                         (CBRC), a group formed by various cham-  ment-run entity known as Guaracara Refining
                         bers of commerce in Trinidad and Tobago.   and Paria Fuel Trading. The 140,000 barrel per
                         Jai Leladharsingh, CBRC’s co-ordinator, told   day (bpd) plant has been idle for the last two
                         Newsday earlier that the confederation was   years. The government shut it down in 2019,
                         interested in acquiring the refinery.  citing concerns about Guaracara’s ability to
                           He also noted, though, that the group might   reverse the decline that had caused it to incur
                         have difficulty financing the deal because of   $1bn worth of losses between 2014 and 2019.
                         its status as a non-governmental organisation   At that time, officials in Port of Spain said
                         (NGO). Accordingly, he said, the heads of some   that they were looking for an investor who could
                         of CBRC’s members have been discussing the   pump about $4bn into the plant. They said that
                         possibility of setting up a company for the deal.   Guaracara would need $2bn to cover unpaid
                         The proposed company would be in a better   debts and another $2bn to cover operational
                         position to secure funding and meet require-  expenses and pay for an overdue equipment
                         ments for the purchase of Petrotrin, he stated.  upgrade. ™

       RdK, CORC still in negotiations on

       operating contract for Isla refinery

                         REFINERIA di Korsou (RdK), the govern-  March 19. The document gave the consortium,
                         ment-run operator of Curaçao’s only oil-pro-  which was the winner of a tender for the right
                         cessing plant, has continued to negotiate with a   to operate the Isla refinery and an associated
                         potential investor, even though the memoran-  facility known as the Bullen Bay terminal, the
                         dum of understanding (MoU) signed between   exclusive right to negotiate a contract. However,
                         the parties has lapsed.              its expiration date has already passed.
                           RdK signed the MoU with Curaçao Oil   Nevertheless, talks between RdK and CORC
                         Refinery Complex (CORC) last month, shortly   have continued, even as Curaçao navigates the
                         before Curaçao’s parliamentary elections on   transition to a new government.

                                               The new  unit’s assets include the Energía Costa Azul LNG project (Photo: RdK)

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