Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 15 2021
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                                                      (Image: ExxonMobil)

       Under pressure in Guyana

       ExxonMobil has encountered another problem with the Liza Destiny FPSO’s gas compressor system

                         EXXONMOBIL has won praise for its role in   in the compressor system. On-site repair efforts
                         launching large-scale commercial oil produc-  were unsuccessful, so the company uninstalled
       WHAT:             tion in Guyana in December 2019. Since then,   the FGC and sent it to Germany so that its con-
       While testing the newly   however, the US-based super-major has not   tractor, MAN Energy Systems, could inspect, fix
       re-installed flash gas   always had an easy time keeping upstream oper-  and test it.
       compressor (FGC) for   ations going at Liza-1, the first oilfield to come   MAN Energy Systems finished its part of
       leaks, the company   on stream in the offshore Stabroek block. It has   the job and sent the compressor back to Guy-
       noted a problem with   approved plans to develop two more sections   ana so that it could be re-installed on the FPSO.
       the system’s discharge   of the block, Liza-2 and Payara, but it has also   ExxonMobil duly took delivery of it, put it back
       silencer.         had to suspend work at Liza-1 multiple times   in place on the Liza Destiny and began its own
                         because of equipment problems.       three-phase testing programme earlier this
       WHY:                The company’s first round of troubles began   month. All seemed to be going well until April
       The FPSO’s compressor   in June 2020 with a discovery of a leak in the   13, when the company reported another equip-
       system has been plagued
       by problems for nearly   compressor system used by the Liza Destiny   ment malfunction.
       a year.           floating production, storage and off-loading
                         (FPSO) vessel to inject associated gas back into   Another equipment problem
       WHAT NEXT:        the oilfield. That problem persisted nearly until   On that date, ExxonMobil Guyana announced
       Production problems   the end of 2021, and it forced the firm’s local sub-  that it had encountered a problem with the
       could reduce the size   sidiary, ExxonMobil Guyana, to cut production   FGC’s discharge silencer while carrying out the
       of Guyana’s next export   levels. It also put the company and its partners   final phase of testing for leaks.
       cargo.            behind schedule for bringing Liza-1 up to its full   In a Facebook post, it said it had responded
                         capacity of 120,000 barrels per day (bpd).  to the problem by bringing production down at
                           ExxonMobil Guyana said in late Decem-  Liza-1. “We have reduced production to a min-
                         ber 2020 that it had fixed the problem and had   imum level that mitigates formation of hydrates
                         successfully restarted the flash gas compressor   in subsea systems, maintains gas injection and
                         (FGC) unit. A bit more than a month later, how-  fuel gas to the power generators and minimises
                         ever, it reported that another leak had occurred   flare,” the firm said.

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