Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2022
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       ready for trading.                  environmental concerns can be considered   Tidewater Renewables
         The development marks a step-change in   alongside cost and supply issues.
       the potential for methane abatement across   Georges Tijbosch, MiQ’s CEO, said: “With   enters into strategic
       the oil and gas industry, by creating the   350bcf of independently certified gas ready
       transparency needed to enable buyers and   for transacting on MiQ’s Digital Registry, we   renewable natural gas and
       producers to differentiate gas based on its   have succeeded in creating a market capable
       methane emissions.                  of rewarding better methane emissions   feedstock partnership and
         The volume of ICG, which has been issued   performance.
       over the last six months, equates to over   “This shows that certification is moving   provides operational update
       100 LNG cargoes. It includes both MiQ and   into the status quo, and with the entire supply
       EO100TM certificates – the only credible   chain now available for certification, there   Tidewater Renewables is pleased to announce
       and independent standards on the market for   really are no limits to the rapid abatement of   that it has entered into a strategic renewable
       certified natural gas.              methane emissions from oil and gas”  natural gas (RNG) and feedstock partnership
         This comes as the entire gas supply chain   As global demand for gas increases, MiQ   with Rimrock RNG, and Rimrock Cattle
       opens for certification, with the launch of   provides a ready-made solution for assessing   Company (RCC). RCC and its affiliates are
       MiQ’s Certified Supply Chain. Each stage of   the methane emissions.     one of the largest cattle feeding operations
       the supply chain, from production to boosting   The MiQ registry is the single source   in North America. The partnership will
       and gathering, processing, transmission and   of truth on MiQ certificates, tracking   secure feedstock supply for both Tidewater
       storage, liquefaction, LNG shipping and   certified gas from production through to   Renewables’ RNG and Renewable Diesel
       regasification is given a methane intensity   the retirement by the end user. The registry   business units, while also accelerating the
       grade that feeds into the overall grade for the   creates transparency about methane   diversification of the Corporation’s low
       final MiQ Certificate.              emissions, preventing double-counting and   carbon intensity fuels product offering. The
         This model allows buyers to compare,   enabling end users such as utilities to claim   partnership will provide a material addition
       for the first time, the upstream methane   the environmental credentials for their GHG   to Tidewater Renewables’ RNG production
       emissions of purchased gas on a level playing   reporting.               capabilities and is expected to be secured
       field globally.                     MIQ, April 05, 2022                  by 10- to 20-year offtake agreements with
         The transparency this system creates                                   investment grade counterparties.
       on methane emissions ensures that                                        TIDEWATER RENEWABLES, April 04, 2022

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   07•April•2022
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