Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 45
P. 18

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            and Sapakara West discoveries in Block 58 are   On the Demerara block, CRI will begin
                                           located approximately 7, 15 and 20 miles (11.2,  re-processing the existing seismic data at the
       CGX Energy provides                 24.0 and 32 km) respectively from the border of  end of Q3-2020 in order to mature previously
                                           the northern region of the Corentyne Block.
                                                                                mapped leads into prospects ready for drill-
       update on Corentyne                 tyne Block are interpreted to be situated at the  regarding the high potential prospectivity that is
                                                                                ing. The Company remains extremely excited
                                              The leads mapped in the Northern Coren-
       Block offshore Guyana               same geological horizons as the nearby signifi-  being mapped within the Corentyne and Dem-
                                           cant discoveries already proven in the Stabroek  erara Blocks.
       Announcing its unaudited interim consoli-  Block and Block 58.Also, importantly the North-  Second Quarter Financial Summary: For
       dated financial statements for the second quar-  ern Corentyne leads are interpreted to share the  the six-month period ended June 30, 2020, the
       ter of 2020, CGX Energy provided an update  same proven hydrocarbon generating basin and  Company recorded cash on hand as at June 30,
       on its activity in the Corentyne Block, offshore  intervals in which the current discoveries are  2020, of $10,944,682. The Company incurred
       Guyana.                             located. These leads are primarily stratigraphic  net exploration and evaluation expenditures of
         The Company, through CGX Resources Inc.  traps composed of sandstone accumulations and  $1,424,408 during the six-month period ended
       (CRI) as the operator of the Corentyne Block  deemed to be analogous to many the discoveries  June 30, 2020 primarily due to costs for mainte-
       under a Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) with  already proven to be successful in the Guyana  nance of licenses, general exploration, geological
       Frontera Energy Guyana Corp. (FEGC), con-  basin spanning both Guyana and Suriname.  and geophysical consulting, surveys, 3D-seismic
       tracted PGS to provide acquisition and process-  The Northern Corentyne leads are in the  processing and interpretation, drill planning and
       ing of a full broadband marine 3D seismic survey  process of being high-graded and have been  well exploration costs.
       over a northern segment of the Corentyne Block  mapped within the Upper Cretaceous, Santo-  CGX Energy, November 09 2020
       located offshore Guyana. The seismic acquisition  nian and Miocene intervals and are currently
       was completed on November 2, 2019, and pro-  undergoing further analysis in order to prior-
       duced seismic data covering approximately 582  itise and rank the best prospect to be drilled.  SERVICES
       km2 of the northern portion of the Corentyne  The leads are located in water depths ranging
       Block. PGS completed Time (PreStack Time  from approximately 500 to 3,600 feet (152 to   Equinor awards drilling,
       Migration) and Depth (PreStack Depth Migra-  1,100 metres) and are estimated to be at a drill-
       tion) processing of these data on June 5, 2020.  ing depth of between approximately 11,000 to   well services contracts for
         CRI has completed a preliminary evaluation  21,700 feet (3,400 to 6,610 metres).
       of the recently processed 3D seismic data, and   The current high-graded lead identified in   Bacalhau field
       has identified two potentially highly prospective  the northern region of the Corentyne Block has
       large channel sand reservoir complexes. These  been named Kawa, after the iconic Kawa Moun-  Equinor has, on behalf of the partners Exx-
       channel complexes are interpreted to contain  tain which overlooks the village of Paramakatoi  onMobil and Petrogal Brasil, awarded Baker
       multiple high potential leads located in the  in the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. It is a  Hughes, Halliburton and Schlumberger con-
       northern region of the Corentyne Block which  Santonian level, stratigraphic trap and as previ-  tracts for drilling and well services on the Bacal-
       is located in close proximity to the Stabroek  ously mentioned is interpreted to be analogous  hau field in Brazil.
       Block offshore Guyana and Block 58 offshore  to the discoveries immediately to the east on   The total value of the three contracts is esti-
       Suriname. The Pluma and Haimara discoveries  Block 58 in Suriname. Additional leads are being  mated at $455mn. The contracts have a firm
       in the Stabroek Block are located approximately  evaluated by the Company.  period of four years and two two-year options.
       2 and 8 miles (3.2 and 12.8 km) respectively from   CRI has recently contracted Baker Hughes   “The awards build further on our positive
       the border of the northern region of the Coren-  to provide a pore pressure analysis of the Kawa  co-operation experience with the three selected
       tyne Block and the Maka Central, Kwakwasi-1  prospect that will be completed in August 2020.  suppliers in our projects worldwide. They will
                                                                                be essential to ensure safe and efficient drilling
                                                                                and well operations on the Bacalhau field,” says
                                                                                Peggy Krantz-Underland, Equinor’s chief pro-
                                                                                curement officer.
                                                                                  The contract scope awarded to Baker Hughes
                                                                                covers drilling services and completion. Halli-
                                                                                burton’s scope of work will include intervention
                                                                                services and liner hanger, while Schlumberger
                                                                                will deliver wireline services.
                                                                                  The awards are expected to make a significant
                                                                                contribution to local content in Brazil. The aver-
                                                                                age local content of the three contracts, consid-
                                                                                ering the majority of services will be performed
                                                                                in Brazil, is estimated at 74%.
                                                                                  “Brazil is a core area for Equinor, and Bacal-
                                                                                hau is an important asset in the Brazilian pre-salt
                                                                                Santos area. Together with our partners, we are
                                                                                currently maturing the project towards a final
                                                                                investment decision (FID) which is planned in
                                                                                2021,” says Trond Bokn, acting senior vice presi-
                                                                                dent for project development at Equinor.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   12•November•2020
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