Page 20 - LatAmOil Week 45
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LatAmOil                            NEWS IN BRIEF                                                   LatAmOil

       Expanded Production and Restarted Work  for up to 10% of total outstanding shares.  the Recôncavo and Tucano Basins, in different
       Programme: Consolidated oil and gas pro-  James F. Park, Chief Executive Officer of  municipalities of the state of Bahia, jointly called
       duction of 38,845 boepd in Q3-2020, up 5%  GeoPark, said: “Thanks to and admiration for  the Bahia Terra Cluster.
       compared to Q2-2020; Resumed drilling with  the GeoPark team for again performing through   The teaser, which includes key information
       three wells put on production in the Llanos 34  this monster storm. Because of its quick, deci-  about the opportunity, as well as the eligibility
       block (GeoPark-operated, 45% WI); Reopened  sive and significant moves, GeoPark today is in  criteria for selection of potential participants,
       temporarily shut-in production and producing  a position to re-engage our work programme,  is available on the Petrobras website. The main
       40,000 boepd by the end of Q3-2020; Currently  grow production, build and set into motion an  subsequent stages of the project will be reported
       drilling the Indico 2 appraisal well in the CPO-5  attractive work program for 2021 and begin  to the market in due course.
       block (GeoPark non-operated, 30% WI).  returning cash to its shareholders in the fourth   The Bahia Terra Cluster comprises 28
         Implemented Decisive Cost and Investment  quarter. And beyond just surviving the collapse  onshore production concessions located in dif-
       Reduction Plan: Cost and investment reductions  and accommodating to the new environment,  ferent municipalities of the state of Bahia, and
       totaled over $290mn across regional platform;  our team transformed GeoPark – from a cost,  includes access to processing, logistics, storage,
       Further improving GeoPark’s cost efficiencies  capability, and organisational perspective – into  transportation and outflow infrastructure for oil
       with ongoing cost-cutting initiatives at all levels;  a better and stronger company ready to capture  and natural gas.
       Production and operating costs reduced by 32%  the immense opportunity ahead.”  It has about 1,700 wells in operation, 19
       to $28.4mn; Operating costs per boe reduced by   GeoPark, November 04 2020  collection stations, 12 collection points, two
       22% to $6.3 per boe; G&A/G&G costs reduced                               oil treatment stations, six collection and com-
       by 30% to $13.1mn.                                                       pressor stations, four water injection stations,
         Generated Substantial Free Cash Flow: Reve-  INVESTMENT                approximately 980 km of gas and oil pipelines,
       nue of $98.1mn; Adjusted EBITDA of $56.1mn                               besides the administrative bases of Taquipe, San-
       (or $15.9 per boe), 2x Adjusted EBITDA in   Petrobras starts binding     tiago, Buracica, Araçás and Fazenda Balsamo.
       Q2-2020; Operating Profit of $28.5mn / Net                                 There are also two oil storage and handling
       Loss of $4.3mn; Capital expenditures reduced   phase of sale of E&P      parks at the Bahia Terra Cluster with all the
       by 56% to $9.8mn; Full-year 2020 work pro-                               infrastructure for receiving, storing and draining
       gramme of $65-75mn targeting 40,000-42,000   assets in Ceará             oil for the Landulfo Alves Refinery (RLAM). In
       boepd annual average production and operat-                              addition, the Cluster includes the NGPU of Catu
       ing netbacks of $245-270mn assuming Brent of  Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  and 10 electrical substations.
       $35-40 per barrel.                  on August 7, 2020, informs the beginning of the   The average production of the Cluster from
         Built Strong Financial Position and Risk  binding phase regarding the sale of its entire  January to August 2020 was around 14,000 bpd
       Management: $163.7mn cash ($157.5mn in  stake in the fields in shallow waters of Tuna,  of oil and 642,000 cubic metres per day of gas.
       Q2-2020 and after interest payments of $23.5mn  Curima, Espada and Xareu (Ceara Cluster),  Petrobras is the operator of these fields, with
       in Q3-2020); $75mn oil pre-payment facil-  located in the state of Ceara.  100% stake.
       ity, with $50mn committed and no amounts   Potential buyers qualified for this phase will   It is important to note that the concessions
       drawn; $132.9mn in uncommitted credit lines;  receive a process letter with detailed instructions  corresponding to the Miranga and/or Recôn-
       Long-term financial debt maturity profile with  on the divestment process, including guidelines  cavo Clusters (referenced in the releases of
       no principal payments until September 2024;  for due diligence and the submission of binding  08/28/2017 and 06/03/2019, respectively) may
       Continuously adding new hedges for the next  proposals.                  be included in the sale process of the Bahia Terra
       15 months.                             The Ceará Cluster has been in operation  Cluster, which will be disclosed in due course.
         Increased SPEED/ESG+ Response and  since the ‘80s, and comprises the fields of Tuna,   Petrobras, November 04 2020
       Actions: Protocols, preventive measures and  Curimã, Espada and Xaréu, located at a distance
       crisis response plans in place across six-country  of 30 km from the coast of the state of Ceará, in
       regional platform; Field teams sharply reduced  water depth between 30 and 50 metres. The aver-
       to a minimum with back-up teams and con-  age production in 2019 was 4,200 bpd of oil and
       tingencies in place to keep people working  76,900 cubic metres per day of gas, through nine
       safely and production flowing; GeoPark closely  fixed platforms.
       engaged with local communities implementing   Petrobras is the operator of these fields, with
       a significant range of measures to fight COVID-  100% stake on the exploration and production
       19 with efforts coordinated at local, regional and  rights of the concession contracts related to these
       federal levels; Appointment of Sylvia Escovar  fields.
       and Somit Varma as new independent members   Petrobras, November 04 2020
       of GeoPark’s Board of Directors (filling vacan-
       cies); Released GeoPark’s Environmental, Social   Petrobras releases teaser
       and Governance (ESG) report for 2019, available
       on the Company’s website.           for sale of onshore E&P
         Returning Value to Shareholders by Cash
       Dividends and Share Buyback Programme:   assets in Bahia
       2020 Extraordinary cash dividend of $0.0412
       per share ($2.5mn) payable on December 9,  Petrobras has started the opportunity disclo-
       2020; 2020 Quarterly Dividend of $0.0206 per  sure stage (teaser), referring to the sale of all of
       share ($1.25mn) payable on December 9, 2020;  its stakes in a set of 28 onshore production field
       Resuming discretionary share buyback program  concessions, with integrated facilities, located in

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   12•November•2020
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