Page 15 - DMEA Week 18 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              acknowledges that successful negotiations   (IGCC) has relaunched the $7.2bn senior debt
                                           would help bring much-needed investment   required in the bank market.
       Former Iran oil minister            into the country’s oil industry.     project, Air Products and Acwa Power
                                                                                  According to sources close to the
                                             He was oil minister when the US imposed
       runs for president                  severe nuclear sanctions targeting Iranian   have relaunched the senior debt financing,
                                                                                with the sponsors seeking to raise $5.6bn
                                           crude exports and restricting its access
       Iran needs to focus on developing its   to dollars, prompting international oil   with $1.6bn equivalent $ and SR tranche
       refining and petrochemical sectors, so that   companies to withdraw.     already committed from Saudi Industrial
       it eventually does not have to export crude   The nuclear deal, known by the acronym   Development Fund (SIDF).
       and expose itself to international sanctions,   JCPOA, lifted those measures in 2016, but the   Banks have been given two weeks to renew
       according to the country’s former oil minister   window of opportunity to bring in Western   the commitment on the consensus pricing,
       Rostam Ghasemi, who is now running for   partners closed when then-US President   according to sources close to the scheme.
       president.                          Donald Trump pulled the US from the deal in   The senior debt financing had been
         “In my expertise and experience in the area   2018 and reimposed the sanctions.  launched initially in July 2020.
       of oil, my priority is processing crude oil into   “It is true that we face restrictions of   Air Products and Acwa Power signed an
       oil products,” Ghasemi told S&P Global Platts   investment in the era of sanctions,” Ghasemi   agreement with Saudi Aramco in August 2018
       in an exclusive interview. “This must happen,   said. “We have this experience in the past   to form a gasification and power joint venture
       because it guarantees our national security in   years that we only invested $50 billion in 2011,  (JV) for the Jazan IGCC project, which
       the global oil market, even under sanctions.   2012 and later on. The sanctions naturally   will located at Jazan Economic City in the
       Under any conditions, it’s possible to sell oil   limit investment in our country.”  southwest area of Saudi Arabia.
       products. Secondly, it brings added value and   Iran pumped 2.30 million b/d of crude in   The international consortium will own and
       can create jobs.”                   March, according to the latest Platts survey   operate the facility under a 25-year contract
         The 57-year-old Ghasemi, who celebrated   of OPEC production, and it will be eager to   for a fixed monthly fee. Saudi Aramco will
       his birthday on May 5, served as Iran’s oil   regain its pre-sanctions output level of about   supply feedstock for the JV, and the JV will
       minister from 2011 to 2013 after retiring from   3.9 million b/d if a deal with the US can be   produce power and hydrogen for the oil
       the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.  agreed.                          major.
         Ghasemi, who is now senior economic   Ghasemi, who estimated Iran’s current   Air Products has a 46 per cent holding
       adviser to the IRGC commander and   domestic consumption level at around 1.8   in the $12bn gasification project, with Acwa
       remains involved in oil sales, has declared   million b/d, spoke to Platts about the JCPOA   Power holding a 25 per cent stake. Saudi
       his candidacy for the June 18 presidential   negotiations, his plans for the oil industry and   Aramco Power Company has a 20 per cent
       election.                           the country’s OPEC relations.        holding, with the remaining 9 per cent held by
         Whoever succeeds incumbent Hassan   S&P PLATTS                         Gas Industry Company.
       Rouhani will lead the country through new                                  The JV’s produced utilities will serve
       relations with historic rivals the US, as well as                        Aramco’s Jazan Refinery and terminal, a
       neighboring Saudi Arabia.           COMPANIES                            megaproject which will process heavy and
         Rouhani’s administration is currently                                  medium crude and add 400,000 barrels a day
       engaged in indirect talks with the US, with the   Debt financing for Jazan   of refining capacity. The power plant will have
       aim of restoring the nuclear deal and lifting                            a capacity of about 3,800MW.
       sanctions that have severely hampered Iran’s   IGCC relaunched             Aramco awarded China’s Sepco an
       crude exports, a significant source of revenue.                          engineering, procurement and construction
         Ghasemi hails from a conservative   The operating joint venture of the $12bn   (EPC) contract to build and commission
       camp far from the moderate Rouhani but   Jazan integrated gasification combined cycle   the Jazan integrated gasification combined-

       Week 18   06•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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