Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 07 2023
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                           a Trinidadian drilling and oil services company.  (or approximately $7.1mn) is intra-group and
       INVESTMENT                             The transaction was entered into and com-  will be written-off as at the Completion Date.
                                           pleted simultaneously, and is not subject to any  Cash received from the transaction will be used
       Challenger Energy                   condition precedent. The agreed consideration is  for general working capital in the Company’s
                                           $1.5mn, consisting of $1.2mn payable in cash (of  operations.
       announces sale of                   which $1mn has been received by the Company   Eytan Uliel, CEO of Challenger Energy, said:
                                           and $200,000 is payable by 15 March 2023) and  “Through the transaction announced today we
       Caribbean Rex                       approximately $300,000 in third-party liabilities  get upfront cash, we give up only a small per-
                                                                                centage of overall production, we are relieved of
                                           that have been assumed by the buyer.
       Challenger Energy, the Caribbean- and Amer-  In addition, the buyer has committed to ful-  various liabilities as well as the cost of a commit-
       icas-focused oil and gas company, with oil pro-  fil CSETL’s 2023 drilling commitments at the  ted drilling campaign, and we retain optionality
       duction, appraisal, development and exploration  South Erin field, thereby relieving the Company  while someone else drills those wells and funds
       assets across the region, has entered into and  of these commitments (3 new wells with an esti-  that cost. This is consistent with the structure we
       simultaneously completed a transaction for the  mated cost of up to $5mn).  adopted for the previously announced transac-
       sale of its St. Lucia-domiciled subsidiary com-  As part of the transaction, the Company has  tion relating to the Cory Moruga licence and is,
       pany, Caribbean Rex.                retained a back-in option, granting the Com-  generally speaking, the model for how we intend
         Highlights: Sale of Caribbean Rex and asso-  pany the right to repurchase a 49% non-operat-  to take smaller, non-core assets in Trinidad for-
       ciated assets and subsidiary entities for a value  ing interest in the South Erin field. This back-in  ward: through transactions that monetise the
       of $1.5m: (immediate cash payment of $1mn,  option may be exercised at the Company’s elec-  assets and offset our operating and financial
       received; subsequent payment of $200,000 due  tion, at any time in the next 18 months. Consid-  risks, yet retain upside exposure in a success
       in mid-March 2023; and $300,000 of third party  eration payable if the Company exercises the  case.”
       liabilities have been assumed by the buyer). In  back-in option is a fixed cash amount of $1mn,   Challenger Energy, 14 February 2023
       addition, a three well drilling obligation at the  plus 49% of all amounts spent by the buyer on
       South Erin field (at a potential cost of up to  South Erin field activities and new well drilling.  Petrobras reports on
       $5mn) will now pass from the Company to the   The South Erin field currently produces
       buyer, with the Company retaining an 18-month  approximately 35 bpd of oil (representing less   sale of LUBNOR refinery
       option to repurchase a 49% interest in the South  than 10% of CEG’s total Trinidadian produc-
       Erin field in the event of the buyer’s drilling  tion), but new well drilling by the buyer could  Petrobras, in reference to the release of May 25,
       success.                            significantly increase production through the  2022, informs that following up on the approval
         Key terms of the Transaction: The Company  course of 2023. CEG will be able to commercially  process of the sale transaction of Refinaria Lubri-
       has sold Caribbean Rex, an indirectly whol-  assess the value of exercising the back-in option  ficantes e Derivados do Nordeste (LUBNOR),
       ly-owned St. Lucia incorporated subsidiary.  against the outcomes of the drilling campaign  on today’s date, the Court of the Administra-
       Caribbean Rex in turn holds various assets and  and the level of increased production.  tive Council for Economic Defense (CADE)
       subsidiary entities in St. Lucia and Trinidad.   For the year to December 31, 2021, CSETL  approved an order from Councilors Vitor Fer-
       This includes (via interposed subsidiaries) CEG  made a loss of TTD3.5mn (or approximately  nandes and Lenisa Prado requesting the con-
       South Erin Trinidad Ltd (CSETL), a Trinidadian  $500,000). As at December 31, 2021, CSETL had  tinuity of the analysis of the case by the Court.
       company that is party to a farm-out agreement  negative net book value (net liability position) of  The measure approved today by CADE follows
       for, and is the operator of, the South Erin field,  approximately TTD51.6mn (or approximately  the usual procedures of the proceedings in the
       onshore Trinidad. The buyer of Caribbean Rex is  $7.6mn), of which approximately TTD48.1mn  Autarchy.

       P14                                     www. NEWSBASE .com                    Week 07   15•February•2023
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