Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2020
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                         NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The investors in the
                                                                                                  Karachaganak gas field
                                                                                                  have spent the last five
                                                                                                  years in a dispute with
                                                                                                  the Kazakh government
                                                                                                  over how profits from
                                                                                                  production are shared.

                         US financial firm MSCI upgraded Novatek’s ESG  had been at a standstill for about 10 days as of
                         rating from BBB to A, making it the only Russian  December 11 owing to bad weather, according
                         company to achieve such a high rating.  to a source cited by Bloomberg. This comes as
                           In a move that should make its green creden-  unplanned maintenance at other liquefaction
                         tials even more convincing, the company is also  plants around the world has helped eat into
                         reportedly working with Germany’s Siemens on  the global oversupply of LNG, pushing up spot
                         a plan to produce and use hydrogen at its Yamal  prices to their highest level in around two years.
                         LNG plant.                             And in longer-term challenges for the indus-
                           Third and finally for this week, the consor-  try, consultancy Wood Mackenzie published a
                         tium developing the giant Karachaganak field  new report last week, showing that a “2-degree
                         in Kazakhstan has finally paid $1.3bn to settle a  scenario” – involving global warming being lim-
                         long-running dispute with the government over  ited to 2 degrees Celsius – would put around 77%
                         profit-sharing. The agreement paves the way for  of new LNG supply at risk.
                         the project’s investors to push ahead with a $1bn   The consultancy said low-cost supplies from
                         expansion project.                   Russia and Qatar would be best positioned to
                                                              fill the supply gap under this scenario, while low
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   Henry Hub prices would also mean competitive
                         the former Soviet Union’s oil and gas sector then please  US LNG projects. However, it added that this
                         click here for NewsBase’s FSU Monitor .  scenario would raise questions over the need for
                                                              other new liquefaction projects elsewhere.
                         GLNG: Certain projects move forward,
                         while others see disruptions         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         Certain LNG projects were reported to be mov-  the global LNG sector then please click here for
                         ing forward in recent days, including a small-  NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor .
                         scale US LNG export terminal proposed for New
                         Jersey, which cleared another regulatory hurdle  LatAmOil: New find offshore Suriname
                         last week.                           The Guyana-Suriname basin continues to arouse
                           The Delaware River Basin Commission  interest, following the announcement of another
                         (DRBC) voted 4-0 to uphold a decision approv-  offshore discovery.
                         ing a key part of the project, which would involve   Petronas (Malaysia) and ExxonMobil (US)
                         building a second dock to load LNG tankers at  revealed last week that they had discovered
                         the proposed Gibbstown Logistics Center. (See:  hydrocarbons in Sloanea-1, an exploration well
                         Another step forward for New Jersey LNG-by-  drilled at Block 51 offshore Suriname. In a state-
                         rail project, page 14) The second dock had been  ment, Petronas said the partners had “encoun-
                         contested by local environmental groups, and  tered several hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone
                         the DBRC had agreed last year to reconsider its  packages with good reservoir qualities in the
                         initial approval of this step, but subsequently  Campanian section” of the well.
                         decided that there was no basis for rescinding   Neither company has commented on the size
                         the approval.                        of the find, but Petronas stated that the partners’
                           The plan for the export terminal has also been  next step would be to evaluate the data collected
                         in the spotlight because it involves transporting  during drilling. It also commented that the “well
                         LNG by truck or rail from shale plays in the  data proves excellent calibration of the hydrocar-
                         US Northeast – with the administration of US  bon potential of the block.”
                         President Donald Trump only recently allowing   In other news, members of Brazil’s Senate
                         LNG-by-rail shipments.               have voted to approve the basic text of a bill
                           Elsewhere in the world, there have been dis-  designed to enable the further reform of the
                         ruptions to LNG supply. In Algeria, the port  country’s natural gas sector. The legislation
                         of Arzew, which is home to an LNG complex,  has already passed in the lower house of the

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