Page 19 - DMEA Week 28 2022
P. 19

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       macroeconomic industrialisation has,   impact of the Russia-Ukraine war started to   taxes on diesel would cost the treasury Shs1.15
       however, had limited successes.     become pronounced.                   trillion.
         “Most of the factories we have are small   In May, President Museveni was forced   He said since this€”and other proposed
       and they need diesel. Actually, Uganda   to address himself to the soaring fuel and   interventions€”would impact negatively
       needs more diesel than we are importing at   commodity prices.           on funding the Budget, “removing taxes or
       the moment if it’s to fully industrialise,” Mr   He ruled out any fuel subsidies.  subsidising many of the imports is suicidal
       Lakuma says. “If we get a diesel shortage now   “If we subsidise or even just remove the   and a blunder.”
       when the prices are already high, the economy   taxes on imported commodities, the level of   This was in tandem with what Mr
       will contract further, leading to loss of jobs,”   consumption will either remain the same,   Ramathan Ggoobi, the Secretary to the
       he adds.                            but this time each litre takes more dollars€¦   Treasury, proffered when he said “tax cuts to
         In January, Uganda was hit by a fuel   The dollar drain will now increase per litre   address exogenous shocks” is “economics that
       supply shock after Covid-19 pandemic curbs   and also, worse, people may buy more of   doesn’t work.”
       triggered a logjam of fuel tankers at the   this expensive commodity,” the President   If there’s a prolonged scarcity of diesel,
       Malaba border snaking nearly 130km. In the   said in a national address, adding, “In the   analysts believe the government’s resolve not
       aftermath of the shock, Ms Ruth Nankabirwa,   Great Lakes area, there is another problem   to intervene will be tested.
       the Energy minister, described the spike in   €“ smuggling. When an item is cheaper in   “We will most likely see a government
       pump prices from Shs4,000 to Shs12,000 as   one country€¦there is a powerful incentive   policy shift from non-intervention to direct
       “cheating.”                         for smugglers to buy cheap in Uganda and   intervention, especially for diesel prices that
         She also warned that the culprits “would   sell expensively in the neighbouring country.   are major cost drivers for domestic industry
       be arrested and prosecuted.” With no arrests   Therefore, cheaper petrol in Uganda, would be  and manufacturing,” Mr Silver Kayondo, a
       in sight, and fuel prices still soaring, Prime   cheaper for the region.”  lawyer who specialises in oil and taxation
       Minister Robinah Nabbanja tried to allay fears   Mr Museveni also warned that any state   issues, says, adding, “Gains made in local
       by setting a price ceiling of Shs5,000.  interventions would “seriously encroach on   dairy, sugar, tiles, paints and coatings, etc.,
         Pump prices normalised at that price   our reserves.”                  face the risk of reversal.”
       ceiling and soon started shooting up when the   He further revealed that any removal of   MONITOR

       Week 28   14•July•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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