Page 16 - DMEA Week 28 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       SUPPLY                              REFINING                               Crude oil that is destined for Natref is
                                                                                offloaded in Durban port, where it is first
       Algeria provides more gas  Sasol declares force                          stored and then pumped around 600km to the
                                                                                refinery. The company did not immediately
       to Italy starting next week majeure as stalled oil                       confirm what had caused the delay. But it is
                                                                                not the first time Sasol has had to declare a
       Algeria’s state oil utility Sonatrach will   shipments shut Natref       force majeure in recent months due to supply
       reportedly provide Italy with an additional                              chain hassles affecting its routes. In April, it
       4bn cubic metres of gas in 2022, in addition to   Sasol has declared a force majeure on the   declared a force majeure relating to the export
       the 21 bcm agreed earlier by both countries,   supply of petroleum products after key   of some chemical products due to heavy
       Reuters said on Friday, July 16 citing industry   refinery Natref was forced to shut down on   rainfall and floods in KwaZulu-Natal, Fin24
       sources.                            Friday due to delays in the arrival of crude oil   previously reported.
         The additional supplies are expected to   shipments.                     At the time, it said production rates at
       start being delivered to Italian customers,   Sasol said shipments were expected to start   some of its plants in Sasolburg had been
       including Eni, by next week.        arriving on Saturday 16 July, which would   impacted due to damage to the Sasolburg-
         The announcement comes two weeks   see crude oil feed beginning to be restored to   Durban railway infrastructure.
       after Sonatrach indicated that it could shift to   Natref.                 The Natref refinery €“ which was
       increasing gas prices on European customers,   The aim is to see Natref running at full   commissioned in 1971 €“ has undergone
       including Italy, Spain and Portugal, under   capacity by month end.      a number of upgrades during its lifespan,
       the long-term contracts reliant on the single   Force majeure is a mechanism that frees   including an expansion project to increase
       pricing index, as the utility evaluates options   parties from contractual obligations in the   its capacity by around 25% to some 108 000
       to maximise its returns from the global   case of an extraordinary event that prevents   barrels per day. It is a joint venture between
       surging prices for energy.          them from performing as usual.       Sasol mining and TotalEnergies.
         Europe, which is largely dependent on   “Sasol Oil has declared a Force Majeure   The two companies have warned that it
       Russian gas, has suffered limited energy   on petroleum products as a result of delays in   could become unsustainable due to clean fuel
       supplies (less than 40% of normal levels)   the arrival of crude oil shipments which are   regulations, which they have said could make
       since Russia invaded Ukraine and the West   beyond Sasol Oil’s control. These delays have   operations unviable in the future.
       imposed sanctions against Moscow. At the   impacted availability of crude oil feedstock   But the news of Natref’s supply headache
       same time, Algeria’s role as a gas supplier to   for processing at Natref, which necessitates   comes amid rising concerns over the state of
       some European countries, including Italy   the shutdown of its Natref refinery,” a Sasol   South Africa’s refineries. Energy consultant
       and Spain, has increased. The North African   spokesperson told Fin24 on Saturday.   Citac recently warned that amid rising fuel
       country recently signed a gas deal with Italy   “In the circumstances, Sasol Oil will not be   costs, the country’s petroleum imports could
       to step up gas supplies. Europe is worried   in a position to fully meet its commitments   triple by 2023 compared to pre-pandemic
       that the rising demand for gas in winter for   on the supply of all petroleum products from   levels, as increasing numbers of domestic
       warming purposes will cause a real problem   July 2022.”                 refineries are forced to shut their doors. South
       amid a shortage of fuel supplies.     The situation would hopefully be resolved   Africa needs some 25 billion litres of fuel a
         Algeria’s total gas exports stood at 54 bcm   soon, the spokesperson added.   year and already meets more than half that
       in 2021, according to official figures. Energy   “Sasol Oil is engaging industry role players   demand through imports.
       revenues are expected to rise to $50bn by end-  as well as affected customers regarding the   Natref’s shutdown on Friday follows hot on
       2022, from only $35.4bn last year.  product shortfalls and will communicate   the heels of several refineries in SA that have
       NEWSBASE                            on an ongoing basis on measures taken to   had to suspend operations either temporarily,
                                           stabilise supply from Natref refinery.”  indefinitely, or permanently.

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   14•July•2022
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