Page 12 - DMEA Week 28 2022
P. 12

DMEA                                               FUELS                                               DMEA

       Nigeria sees long queues

       as gasoline prices spike

        AFRICA           FILLING stations in Lagos, Abuja, Niger and  explained that all filling stations that had fuel
                         other regions were selling gasoline (known  were selling, while those with no fuel to sell had
                         locally as premium motor spirit, or PMS) at  shut down.
                         a price of up to NGN250 ($0.60) per litre on   “The problem is that every side needs to be
                         July 10, a significant increase over the govern-  transparent. We as retail outlet owners are ready
                         ment-approved retail price of NGN165 ($0.39),  to sell petroleum products to the teeming Nige-
                         local newspaper Punch revealed.      rian public. We have no reason why we should
                           The price hikes come as long queues wors-  not sell our products,” he said.
                         ened throughout the country, due to the insuf-  “There is no retail outlet owner that is hoard-
                         ficient supply of products by the Nigerian  ing product or diverting it. Yes, we know there
                         National Petroleum Co. Ltd (NNPC Ltd), the  may be bad eggs among the good bunch, but the
                         sole importer of gasoline into Nigeria.  fact that we are not having sufficient products is
                           Punch also reported that black marketers  what has remained the cause of fuel scarcity.”
                         were selling fuel at an even higher price, as spec-  A week before, the Independent Petroleum
                         ulators attempted to make a quick buck in the  Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN)
                         chaos. Abuja has seen long queues to refill cars  warned that Nigeria could witness “the mother
                         since February, but the issue has grown worse.  of all queues” if the government failed to pay
                         Fuel marketers have denied hoarding petroleum  money owed to the fuel sector.
                         products and have placed the blame squarely   IPMAN’s members control around 70% of
                         on NNPC Ltd, claiming that non-payment  petrol stations in the country, and the associa-
                         for transportation of gasoline is the reason for  tion claims that it is owed bridging claims by a
                         scarcity.                            federal government agency, the Nigerian Mid-
                           Speaking to Punch, the head of Petroleum  stream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory
                         Products Retail Outlets owners Association  Authority (NMDPRA). Abuja claims to have
                         of Nigeria (PETROAN) Billy Gillis-Harry  paid up.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   14•July•2022
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