Page 7 - DMEA Week 28 2022
P. 7

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         “primary focus” categories, he explained, LNG  to the rest of the country. If you think about it,
                         can serve as a lower-carbon source of fuel than  we’ve got access to the N1, the N3 and the N5
                         existing options.                    highways, all within almost equal distance. The
                           “There are three primary customer types,”  ground is flat, there’s a lot of available land, and
                         he told CNBC Africa. “We’ve already signed up  it’s relatively well priced … And [with LNG],
                         with [corporate] customers such as Consol and  you’ve got a source of clean sustainable energy
                         Italtile, two blue-chip companies in South Africa  in the area, which means that from an attrac-
                         who are weaning themselves off heavier-carbon  tiveness perspective, you’ve got the labour force
                         fuels as well as using it as a source of energy secu-  there as well, and highly skilled. You’re sitting in a
                         rity ... [These] are our industrial customers who  position where strategically it makes more sense
                         are using it for thermal purposes. [Then] there  to set up industrial operations and manufactur-
                         are other customers who want it as a source of  ing operations in the Free State over, say, Jo’burg.
                         energy to get away from load-shedding, so [they]  We really do see this project becoming over time
                         use it to power [their] generators, and it’s about  a catalyst for the area.”
                         70% carbon reduction in relation to Eskom.   He continued: “So the project itself? Yes, gas
                         So it’s a massive reduction in greenhouse gas  doesn’t employ as many people as mining does.
                         [GHG] relative to Eskom’s power, and it’s signifi-  But we believe we will leave a much longer-last-
                         cantly cheaper as well. And then the third pillar is  ing legacy in the area than the mining houses
                         in transport. [For] heavy trucks, it’s significantly  will.”
                         cheaper than running your trucks on diesel, and
                         it’s the quickest way to get significant ESG cred-  Could power crisis boost LNG?
                         its because of the significant reduction in green-  In the meantime, though, Renergen may also
                         house gas [GHG] emissions relative to diesel in  have a chance to have a significant impact in the
                         these trucks.”                       short term.
                           Marani also highlighted Renergen’s plan to   Marani did not talk much about what role
                         make South Africa a key player in the global  his company might play in South Africa’s cur-
                         helium market over the long term, saying that  rent energy markets. He did note briefly that
                         the new plant would be exporting all of its liq-  Renergen expected companies needing fuel
                         uid helium production. He drew attention to  for generators that would allow them to avoid
                         the fact that helium shortages had contributed  load-shedding to be one of its three main groups
                         to supply chain disruptions over the past two  of LNG buyers. However, he did not address the
                         years, explaining that the gas was used in sem-  possibility that the number of such companies
                         iconductor and microchip manufacturing, and  – and the level of interest in LNG-fuelled gener-
                         also noted that helium was used as a propellant  ators – is likely to rise in the near term.
                         in rocket launches.                    South Africa’s energy sector has been in a
                                                              sub-optimal state for more than a decade. Cus-
                         Economic potential                   tomers of Eskom, the national power provider,
                         He also talked up the potential of the LNG plant  have come to expect blackouts and load-shed-
                         to fuel job creation and economic growth in Free  ding as a regular feature of service. However,
                         State.                               conditions have grown even worse over the last
                           While Renergen will probably not hire more  few weeks, with plant breakdowns and strikes
                         than 75 people for Phase 1 operations, rising to  taking some 18,000 MW of generating capacity
                         150-160 people during Phase 2 operations, he  offline. President Cyril Ramaphosa said on July
                         said, there will be knock-on effects. By making  11 that his government would take action to mit-
                         a relatively low-carbon source of energy availa-  igate the shortages soon, but it remains to be seen
                         ble to customers in a part of South Africa with  whether conditions actually improve.
                         low-priced real estate and good access to key   If they do not, Renergen may find that news
                         transportation routes, the project could serve as  of its Phase 1 launch generates more interest in
                         a trigger for further growth.        LNG and LNG-fuelled generators than it might
                           “[It’s] not like a traditional mining company,  ever have expected in the short term. In turn, if
                         where the mining company becomes the bread-  interest in LNG remains strong, Renergen may
                         basket for the area and the sole employer. This  want to consider ramping up the scale of Phase 2
                         is a catalyst,” he explained. “This is a situation  so that it can serve more customers within South
                         where you have to look at the Free State relative  Africa.™

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