Page 4 - DMEA Week 28 2022
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Iran to increase

       processing capabilities

       amid upstream expansion

       As Iran’s gas capacity reaches new highs, its downstream facilities must
       work hard to keep the lights on at home.

        MIDDLE EAST      IRAN has announced plans to increase its slate  offshore, though NIOC has begun exploration
                         of gas-based products with a view to ramping  efforts to facilitate upstream expansion.
                         up exports. The news came just a few days after   The South Pars deposit, which Iran shares
       WHAT:             details were revealed about condensate and  with Qatar, covers an area of 9,700 square km
       Iran has struggled with   product supplies from one of the country’s key  with Iran’s 3,700-square km portion that holds
       winter gas shortages,   gas facilities, with progress in the area key to  around 14 trillion cubic metres of gas and 18bn
       which is bearish for   utilising, and potentially monetising via export,  barrels of gas condensates. In Qatar, the gas asset
       new or expanded gas   increased upstream gas production, with capac-  is known as the North Dome and is responsible
       processing and refining   ity hitting 1bn cubic metres per day last Iranian  for the vast majority of the peninsular nation’s
       facilities.       calendar year.                       production.
                                                                Moazeni said that through “significant and
       WHY:              Condensate and products              innovative measures”, more than 6.2mn barrels
       Gas by-products are   Speaking to the Ministry of Petroleum’s (MoP)  were processed at SP refineries 4 & 5, with 566
       highly valuable in export   Shana news outlet, Shafi Moazeni, director of  tonnes of ethane and 27,200 tonnes of propane
       markets, but maintaining   the fifth refinery at the South Pars Gas Complex  also produced during this period.
       reliable supplies is vital   (SGPC) – a project company subsidiary of the   He added: “More than 31,986 tonnes of
       to business and investor   National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC) – said that the  butane, 725,806 tonnes of gas condensate and
       confidence.       plant had supplied 6mn barrels of condensate  11,342 tonnes of granulated sulphur were also
                         during the last three months.        produced during” Q1 of the current Iranian cal-
       WHAT NEXT:          The SGPC covers a large industrial area just  endar year.
       Increased upstream gas   north of Asalouyeh. The Asalouyeh downstream
       production will generate   hub is the location of the 14 gas refineries that  Expansion plans
       sizeable volumes of new   comprise the downstream portion of the South  Meanwhile, Ahmad Bahoush, SGPC’s manag-
       feedstock, but demand is   Pars gas development. The project is split into  ing director said that the recent completion of
       likely to also be edging   24 offshore development phases and 14 onshore  projects would raise output from the facility’s
       upwards.          gas refineries which process the gas produced  gas and condensate processing plants. Bahoush

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   14•July•2022
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