Page 6 - DMEA Week 28 2022
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Renergen’s ambition for

       South Africa’s Free State

       The company is gearing up to launch Phase 1 of the country’s

       first LNG plant against a backdrop of nationwide power shortages.

        AFRICA           STEFANO Marani, the CEO of South Africa’s  consumption, just to put it in context,” he said.
                         Renergen, said on July 11 that his company  And with respect to LNG, he said, total produc-
                         expected to bring the first phase of its onshore  tion will be equivalent to about 75,000 litres of
       WHAT:             LNG plant online in Free State before the end of  diesel per year.
       Renergen expects to   the month.                         The primary purpose of the Phase 1 project,
       launch Phase 1 of its LNG   In an interview with CNBC Africa, Marani  he noted, was “proof of concept to show that the
       plant later in July.  described the upcoming launch of the facility’s  gas was there in Free State and we could separate
                         Phase 1 as a milestone. He noted that the unit  the LNG from the liquid helium and we could
       WHY:              would be South Africa’s first gas liquefaction  sell the two separate streams.”
       The facility will be   unit, as well as the first helium plant in sub-Sa-  Once this milestone has been reached, Ren-
       South Africa’s first LNG   haran Africa.               ergen can start “working on a much more, let’s
       production facility and   “When this plant first turns on this month, it  call it, global-scale project, which is our phase
       sub-Saharan Africa’s first   will make South Africa one of only eight coun-  two project, which we’re anticipating reaching
       liquid helium production   tries in the world to produce liquid helium,” he  financial close in early next year and bringing
       facility.         commented. “So it’s quite a big step forward for  online in early 2025,” Marani continued. The
                         the country.”                        second phase of the plant “will obviously be a
       WHAT NEXT:                                             significantly larger endeavour,” he remarked.
       Since the launch is   Proof of concept
       taking place at a time of   He went on to say that Renergen would be  Domestic sales and exports
       extreme power shortages   producing LNG and helium on a relatively  The CEO said that his company would be
       in South Africa, it could   small scale when the plant’s first phase began  marketing its LNG to three types of customers
       stir new interest in the   operations.                 within South Africa – buyers seeking to use it as
       LNG-fuelled generators   “The output for this is relatively small. It’s  industrial fuel, buyers seeking to use it as gener-
       that Renergen is already   about 300-350 kg of helium per day, which  ator fuel and buyers seeking to use it as freight
       prepared to supply.  is about one and a half times South Africa’s  transportation fuel. For customers in all of these

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   14•July•2022
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